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luismiguelg $10/hr

Luis Miguel G.

HSMWorks Designer

  • FEA Analysis
  • CAD Design
  • CAM
  • CAD/CAM Design
  • 3D Mechanical Design
  • 2D and 3D Mechanical Drafting
  • Digital Prototype
  • 2D & 3D Mechanical Assembly
  • Altair Hypermesh
  • Altair HyperWorks
  • Altair HyperCrash
  • Autodesk HSMWorks CAM
  • Altair Inspire
  • SolidWorks 3DEXPERIENCE
  • 3D AutoCAD
  • Altair SimSolid

Last updated: Mar 10, 2025

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Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring HSMWorks Designers

Using CAM software has become the standard operating procedure in the modern manufacturing landscape. So, whether you’re planning to enter the manufacturing industry or have been running manufacturing business for years, you’ll definitely need to get access to CAM expertise.

One of the best CAM software options around is HSMWorks. It’s designed to easily integrate with SolidWorks and function as a natural extension of its assembly environment.

One thing that sets HSMWorks apart from other programs is that it can work both on 2D and 3D technologies. It comes with 2D machining tools that allow you to program drilling, hole making, pocketing, and contouring toolpaths in your CNC machines and ensure they perform as desired. It also has world-class 3D strategies that help you create the smoothest and most efficient toolpaths while reducing the amount of wear and tear that your tools go through and extending their life.

HSMWorks also comes with tools that make multi-axis machining possible. Multi-axis machining used to be something that was available only to automotive and aerospace companies, but now it can be accessed by anyone who has the right tools. Through this method, you’ll have more control over the manufacturing process and produce high-quality products in a shorter span of time. Even if you’re not planning to use multi-axis machining, you’ll find that HSMWorks’ tools are still helpful in making traditional tools more efficient and increasing your productivity levels.

As mentioned above, HSMWorks is easy to master if you’re already an expert in SolidWorks. But what if you’re not? Well, in this case, one of the best steps to take is to hire a freelance HSMWorks designer from Cad Crowd. Our freelancers are well-versed in different CAD and CAM software and a lot of them are experts in HSMWorks and SolidWorks. With their skills and knowledge, they can help you create the best possible toolpaths for your machines within the shortest possible time.

Familiar with HSMWorks but got too much to handle? Cad Crowd’s HSMWorks freelancers can still help. You can hire them on a one-time basis, which is great if you just need someone who can take over a couple of tasks and leave you with plenty of time for other aspects of your business. Of course, if you need ongoing help with a project, just ask and you’ll get it. We offer hourly HSMWorks services, which means you’ll pay your freelancer only for the exact amount of works on your tasks. This is ideal if you have a large project and require long-term assistance.

Don’t worry since hiring a Cad Crowd freelancer is simple. You’ll only have to send us your project details, and we’ll connect you with a vetted contractor whose skills and background best fit your requirements. Our in-house quality control staff will be on hand to answer your questions and review your freelancer’s work to ensure precision and accuracy.

You also have the option to choose a freelancer by yourself! Just browse through Cad Crowd’s list of contractors, pick the freelance HSMWorks designer whom you think will do a great job on your project, and hire him directly through his member profile.

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