Patent Drafting Designer
Last updated: Feb 1, 2025
Patent drafting is the process of writing a patent's description as well as its specific claims. At the center of every patent application is the patent draft. When the patent has been allowed or issued, the patent draft holds all of the unique specifications for the patent itself. The inventors of the product or service must work closely with an attorney to get the job done during the patent drafting process. It is important that all attorneys understand the invention and what makes it unique from other products. Having this draft ensures that they are on board during the entire process.
Drafting a patent can be done by the patent drafting freelancers at Cad Crowd. The patent is drafted after you have worked with an attorney to finish the contract for invention disclosure. This well let you talk about the patent with enough information for the attorney to understand it. Then, the patent drafting process can begin, and it starts with drafting the specific claism of your design. Once the scope of the invention has been captured in its entirety with the patent draft, then it is time to start getting any sort of sketches or drawings together in order to help make the claims. The person tasked with the patent drafting design may even include drawings of other inventions in order to make it clear what makes yours different from theirs. This step of the process requires research and time.
While the patent drafting process is taking place, you will remain in touch with both your attorney of choice and the freelance patent drafting expert from Cad Crowd. You will need to stay in contact with both because it is important that you are able to make the necessary changes to the scope of the claims on the invention during this period. As these changes happen, you can edit them in before proceeding to the next step.
After the draft has been written and the figures and claims are finalized, it is time for the abstract to be written. This can also be done by patent drafting freelancers at Cad Crowd. The abstract is just a brief summary of the invention that you are hoping to patent. Everything is simplified to make it easier to submit. Then, all that is left is for you to review the patent and be sure that the draft is everything you want it to be.
There are many ways that an inexperienced drafter could mess up the draft, such as being too vague, explaining the function of the product, saying the wrong things or even being too specific in what it does. That is why you need an experienced freelance patent drafting expert at Cad Crowd. We can pair you up with the right drafter for you in order to ensure that everything is done perfectly. Our drafters have all been tested and vetted to ensure they can handle the job.
Contact Cad Crowd today to get your free price estimation.