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Abhijit Jiwanwal $13/hr

Abhijit J.

Product Design and Development Designer

  • 3D Modeling
  • Structure Design
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Machine Design
  • FEA
  • Mechanical Design
  • API
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • FEA Analysis
  • Special Machinery
  • Drafting and Detailing
  • CAD Design
  • Product Design
  • 3D Design
  • CAD Conversion
  • CAD Rendering
  • Product Design and Development
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • 3D Design Analysis
  • 3D Analysis and Design
  • AutoCAD
  • SolidWorks
  • Siemens NX (Unigraphics)
  • Geomagic Design X
  • PTC Creo Parametric
  • Minitab
  • ANSYS Fluent
  • MSC Adams

Last updated: Mar 25, 2025

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Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for hiring product design and development designers

Are you still searching around the Web for the perfect product design and development services that would suit the needs of your project?

Cad Crowd is happy to inform you that it has the world's best product design and development freelancers to help you out with your objectives. We have world-class designers who are backed by guarantee and are pre-qualified to bring you accurate and reliable results.

Since we are aiming to make it a lot easier for you, we have taken out the guesswork of the online hiring process. We can connect you with the product design and development professional on the basis of your project specifications.

Product design refers to the creation of new product that will be sold by a business to its customers. In other words, it is the effective and efficient creation and improvement of ideas via a process that would lead to the generation of new products. Systematically, product designers would conceptualize and evaluate ideas, then they would turn them into products and inventions. It is his or her role to combine, science, technology, and art in order to make new products so that others can utilize.

The evolving role of product designers has been made possible via digital tools allowing them to analyze, visualize, communicate, and produce tangible ideas that would have taken more people to do in the past. Product design has also been confused with industrial design, which brings usability and artistic form in order to make mass production possible.

The concept of product development refers to the product or service taken from conception to market. Product development includes the process to outline the concept, create the design, develop the product or service, and define the marketing.

When a new product is created, a whole new market emerges. In fact, it can even take over an existing product, replace a current product, or just broaden the market for the one that exists already.

The role of product design and development companies is to ensure that investors would get a description of the product's design, summary of its development process, and the development budget. This will enable companies to reach production targets and goals.

Cad Crowd has been a trusted name in this business due to the pool of product design and development freelancers it has been providing different businesses around the world. It is the initiative of these professionals to focus on the technical and marketing aspects of the products. Thus, it enables companies to have clear understanding on where the development team could work.

We appreciate how other product design and development firms offer potential customers quick solutions to their needs. However, we understand how crucial it is to rely on tried-and-tested personnel to manage the products and services of your company.

You can tell us about your project specifications and Cad Crowd will be more than happy to give you a match from the community of world-renowned talents in product design and development.

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