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Amir Engineer $115/hr

Amir Engineer

Structural Design and Analysis Designer

  • Structural Design
  • Civil Engineering
  • Structural Analysis
  • Detailing
  • CAD Design
  • Design and Analysis
  • Structural Design and Analysis
  • AutoCAD

Last updated: Mar 26, 2025

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The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring Structural Design and Analysis Designers

Structural design and analysis is a process that is used to carry out a variety of different types of analysis on structures such as stiffness, strength, dynamic modes and responses, elastic stability, crash and impact, flutter, fatigue, and more. There is a number of different types of software that can be used to complete any structural design and analysis job, but each one, regardless of which one is used, is ideal for the most accurate analysis of the structure to ensure proper safety and stability of it. These sorts of programs can be used to analyze structures made of any metals like steel and aluminum or composites such as carbon or glass, or any combination of the two. At Cad Crowd, we offer structural design and analysis freelancers who are skilled in this regard and can help to get your analysis underway and completed in no time.

When structural design and analysis is completed, things such as pressure distributions, either analytical or experimental, are mapped out in order to show the structural model and take into consideration aerodynamic loads, thermal loads, and inertial loads. When the results come in, factors such as buckling, deformations, stresses, natural frequencies, impact forces, flutter speeds, and other items are then held against the possible failures they could endure in order to make sure of the structural integrity of it all. Not only this, but the structural design and analysis process will also provide a number of materials, their thicknesses, and the composite schedule in order to produce the best possible structural configuration.

In order to perform the best analysis, the engineer as to determine the key information such as the geometry, structural loads, material properties, and support conditions. The more advanced varieties of structural analysis include things such as stability, dynamic response, and non-linear behavior, which can also help to further fine tune the results. There are three main approaches to this structural design and analysis process. These include the mechanics of the materials that examines their strengths; the elasticity theory that is used more in continuum mechanics; and the approach of finite elements. The first two use formulas to analyze the different linear elastic models and often can be solved by hand. The last approach is a numerical method that makes it easier to solve differential equations that come from some different theories such as the strength of materials and the elasticity theory.

At Cad Crowd, we can connect you with one of our professional structural design and analysis freelancers who can get the design and analysis that you need done swiftly and accurately. We offer a global pool of structural design and analysis experts for hire who you can either choose by yourself or allow us to choose for you. Either way, you can stay in touch with the designer the entire time they work to keep track of the progress. Your project will be returned both on time and within budget, so contact us for a free price estimation today and get started now.

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