CAD designer needed to model 3D EV Swapping Station Ended

About the job

We need a 3D artist to help with an ongoing 3D rendering for our company products. The work will involve taking our existing CAD model and updating it as per requirements. We will need them to find the best and cost-effective way to bring this market while being ultra-realistic with the renders for promotional purposes.
We need a 3D artist to help with an ongoing 3D rendering for our company products. The work will involve taking our existing CAD model and updating it as per requirements. We will need them to find the best and cost-effective way to bring this market while being ultra-realistic with the renders for promotional purposes.
We need a 3D artist to help with an ongoing 3D rendering for our company products. The work will involve taking our existing CAD model and updating it as per requirements. We will need them to find the best and cost-effective way to bring this market while being ultra-realistic with the renders for promotional purposes.
We need a 3D artist to help with an ongoing 3D rendering for our company products. The work will involve taking our existing CAD model and updating it as per requirements. We will need them to find the best and cost-effective way to bring this market while being ultra-realistic with the renders for promotional purposes.

Things to know

Job location


Work location

Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate

$10 - $18/hr

Hourly (USD)

Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

3D CAD Design

Job categories

3D Product Modeling

About the client

Payment not ready

India (05:00 am)



Job activity

18 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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