About the job
I have 5 technical drawings of valves, exact dimisnons are not neccasry. What is neccassry though, is that I would love to be able to imagine the overall drawings better, and I am struggling alot with that. If i could have a 3d Cad model infront of me (preferbably in Fusion 360) that would make things alot easier.
I have 5 technical drawings of valves, exact dimisnons are not neccasry. What is neccassry though, is that I would love to be able to imagine the overall drawings better, and I am struggling alot with that. If i could have a 3d Cad model infront of me (preferbably in Fusion 360) that would make things alot easier.
I have 5 technical drawings of valves, exact dimisnons are not neccasry. What is neccassry though, is that I would love to be able to imagine the overall drawings better, and I am struggling alot with that. If i could have a 3d Cad model infront of me (preferbably in Fusion 360) that would make things alot easier.
I have 5 technical drawings of valves, exact dimisnons are not neccasry. What is neccassry though, is that I would love to be able to imagine the overall drawings better, and I am struggling alot with that. If i could have a 3d Cad model infront of me (preferbably in Fusion 360) that would make things alot easier.