prototype 3d design for dental device Ended

About the job

a mechanical device to help in aiming x-ray beam toward an intra-oral film or sensor. it helps in precisely guiding the x-ray beam toward the intra oral receiver. composed of plastic parts that connect together mechanically. the goal is to design a 3d printer friendly prototype with the proper selection of the printing material used.
a mechanical device to help in aiming x-ray beam toward an intra-oral film or sensor. it helps in precisely guiding the x-ray beam toward the intra oral receiver. composed of plastic parts that connect together mechanically. the goal is to design a 3d printer friendly prototype with the proper selection of the printing material used.
a mechanical device to help in aiming x-ray beam toward an intra-oral film or sensor. it helps in precisely guiding the x-ray beam toward the intra oral receiver. composed of plastic parts that connect together mechanically. the goal is to design a 3d printer friendly prototype with the proper selection of the printing material used.
a mechanical device to help in aiming x-ray beam toward an intra-oral film or sensor. it helps in precisely guiding the x-ray beam toward the intra oral receiver. composed of plastic parts that connect together mechanically. the goal is to design a 3d printer friendly prototype with the proper selection of the printing material used.

Things to know

Job location


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Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate


Fixed-rate (USD)

Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

3D Mechanical Design 3D Print Design 3D Printing

Job categories

Medical Devices Design Prototype Design Engineering 3D Product Rendering and Design



Professional working proficiency

About the client

Payment not ready

Jordan (01:31 am)



Job activity

21 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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