Need some CAD's made related to Home Decor Ended

About the job

I have a PPT of some designs that the buyer has picked out and my buyers require more designs around those ideas. I need CAD's made for various categories in Home Decor such as Vases and Trays. Kindly connect with me ASAP if you think you can do this work and the deadline to submit CAD's is 05/02/2025.
I have a PPT of some designs that the buyer has picked out and my buyers require more designs around those ideas. I need CAD's made for various categories in Home Decor such as Vases and Trays. Kindly connect with me ASAP if you think you can do this work and the deadline to submit CAD's is 05/02/2025.
I have a PPT of some designs that the buyer has picked out and my buyers require more designs around those ideas. I need CAD's made for various categories in Home Decor such as Vases and Trays. Kindly connect with me ASAP if you think you can do this work and the deadline to submit CAD's is 05/02/2025.
I have a PPT of some designs that the buyer has picked out and my buyers require more designs around those ideas. I need CAD's made for various categories in Home Decor such as Vases and Trays. Kindly connect with me ASAP if you think you can do this work and the deadline to submit CAD's is 05/02/2025.

Things to know

Job location


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Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate

Open budget


Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

2D & 3D CAD Design 3D CAD Design 3D Modeling 3D Product Design +1 more

Job categories

3D Product Animation

About the client

Payment ready

India (05:01 am)



Job activity

26 Applicants

6 interviews in progress

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