SolidWorks Designer Anyone

About the job

We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced SolidWorks Designer to join our team for creating 3D models, prototypes, and product designs. The ideal candidate will have strong proficiency in SolidWorks and a background in mechanical or industrial design. You will be responsible for delivering precise and innovative designs based on client requirements, as well as collaborating with engineers and other professionals to bring concepts to life.
We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced SolidWorks Designer to join our team for creating 3D models, prototypes, and product designs. The ideal candidate will have strong proficiency in SolidWorks and a background in mechanical or industrial design. You will be responsible for delivering precise and innovative designs based on client requirements, as well as collaborating with engineers and other professionals to bring concepts to life.
We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced SolidWorks Designer to join our team for creating 3D models, prototypes, and product designs. The ideal candidate will have strong proficiency in SolidWorks and a background in mechanical or industrial design. You will be responsible for delivering precise and innovative designs based on client requirements, as well as collaborating with engineers an... read more
We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced SolidWorks Designer to join our team for creating 3D models, prototypes, and product designs. The ideal candidate will have strong proficiency in SolidWorks and a background in mechanical or industrial design. You will be responsible for delivering precise and innovative designs based on client requirements, as well as collaborating with engineers and other professionals to bring concepts to life. read less

Things to know

Job location


Work location

Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate

$8 - $15/hr

Hourly (USD)

Job type


Job type

Job length

6+ months

Job duration

Areas of expertise

3D CAD Design 3D Mechanical Design 3D Product Design Mechanical Design +1 more

Job categories

3D Modeling Mechanical Design Services Mechanical CAD Design SolidWorks Design Services SolidWorks Engineering Services +2 more

About the client

Payment not ready

Vietnam (11:10 am)



Job activity

6 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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