Enhance an existing optopipe for better light diffusion and performance on a product. Anyone

About the job

Scope of work
- Improve the 3D model of the existing optopipe.
- Conduct simulation tests to achieve even and uniformly diffused light across the specified surface area.
- Deliver the refined 3D model and simulation results.
Scope of work
- Improve the 3D model of the existing optopipe.
- Conduct simulation tests to achieve even and uniformly diffused light across the specified surface area.
- Deliver the refined 3D model and simulation results.
Scope of work
- Improve the 3D model of the existing optopipe.
- Conduct simulation tests to achieve even and uniformly diffused light across the specified surface area.
- Deliver the refined 3D model and simulation results.
Scope of work
- Improve the 3D model of the existing optopipe.
- Conduct simulation tests to achieve even and uniformly diffused light across the specified surface area.
- Deliver the refined 3D model and simulation results.
1741351778435.jpg jpg Mar 07, 2025
2345645463.jpg jpg Mar 07, 2025

Things to know

Job location


Work location

Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate


Fixed-rate (USD)

Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

3D Analysis and Design 3D CAD Design 3D CAD Modeling LightTools TracePro Zemax OpticStudio +3 more

Job categories

Lighting Design Mechanical CAD Design

About the client

Payment not ready

Slovenia (11:31 pm)



Job activity

13 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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