Catamaran 3D printing model Anyone

About the job

1. We have a 3D model of a catamaran (assembly) in SolidWorks. Dimensions are defined in the model. The assembly includes the hull model (two hulls and a connecting bridge) along with a set of frames and stringers. All of this is done without detailing, in the form of a sketch. There is also a mock-up model in KeyShot with a cabin installed (sketch).
2. The hull bottom has longitudinal chines and two pairs of steps. These elements are incorrectly executed.
1. Refine the sketch model in terms of the hull bottom:
o Rework the steps. Change the geometry of the cutouts, adjust the height of the surfaces below the steps, and accordingly rework the frame and stringer system to match the new hull geometry.
o Rework the chines:
 Remove the spray-deflecting edge along the chine and replace it with a shelf (we will illustrate what is meant).
 Make the central chine more eye-catching (increase its size).
o Round off all hull edges with small radii (the radii need to be discussed).
2. Develop the structure of the superstructure:
o The shape of the superstructure will be provided in the KeyShot model. Dimensions are approximate (they may slightly change). The mock-up conveys the stylistic direction.
 The superstructure should have tube-frame and glass envelope of the superstructure and the system of tempered glass itself.
 The superstructure frame should have space for installing navigation and radio communication systems.
 A cutout needs to be made in the deck ac... read more
1. We have a 3D model of a catamaran (assembly) in SolidWorks. Dimensions are defined in the model. The assembly includes the hull model (two hulls and a connecting bridge) along with a set of frames and stringers. All of this is done without detailing, in the form of a sketch. There is also a mock-up model in KeyShot with a cabin installed (sketch).
2. The hull bottom has longitudinal chines and two pairs of steps. These elements are incorrectly executed.
1. Refine the sketch model in terms of the hull bottom:
o Rework the steps. Change the geometry of the cutouts, adjust the height of the surfaces below the steps, and accordingly rework the frame and stringer system to match the new hull geometry.
o Rework the chines:
 Remove the spray-deflecting edge along the chine and replace it with a shelf (we will illustrate what is meant).
 Make the central chine more eye-catching (increase its size).
o Round off all hull edges with small radii (the radii need to be discussed).
2. Develop the structure of the superstructure:
o The shape of the superstructure will be provided in the KeyShot model. Dimensions are approximate (they may slightly change). The mock-up conveys the stylistic direction.
 The superstructure should have tube-frame and glass envelope of the superstructure and the system of tempered glass itself.
 The superstructure frame should have space for installing navigation and radio communication systems.
 A cutout needs to be made in the deck according to the dimensions of the superstructure. The frames should be interrupted, and a coaming should be drawn along the shape of the deck cutout— the cut frames should adjoin this coaming.
3. Rework the aft overhang. read less
1. We have a 3D model of a catamaran (assembly) in SolidWorks. Dimensions are defined in the model. The assembly includes the hull model (two hulls and a connecting bridge) along with a set of frames and stringers. All of this is done without detailing, in the form of a sketch. There is also a mock-up model in KeyShot with a cabin installed (sketch).
2. The hull bottom has longitudinal chines and... read more
1. We have a 3D model of a catamaran (assembly) in SolidWorks. Dimensions are defined in the model. The assembly includes the hull model (two hulls and a connecting bridge) along with a set of frames and stringers. All of this is done without detailing, in the form of a sketch. There is also a mock-up model in KeyShot with a cabin installed (sketch).
2. The hull bottom has longitudinal chines and two pairs of steps. These elements are incorrectly executed.
1. Refine the sketch model in terms of the hull bottom:
o Rework the steps. Change the geometry of the cutouts, adjust the height of the surfaces below the steps, and accordingly rework the frame and stringer system to match the new hull geometry.
o Rework the chines:
 Remove the spray-deflecting edge along the chine and replace it with a shelf (we will illustrate what is meant).
 Make the central chine more eye-catching (increase its size).
o Round off all hull edges with small radii (the radii need to be discussed).
2. Develop the structure of the superstructure:
o The shape of the superstructure will be provided in the KeyShot model. Dimensions are approximate (they may slightly change). The mock-up conveys the stylistic direction.
 The superstructure should have tube-frame and glass envelope of the superstructure and the system of tempered glass itself.
 The superstructure frame should have space for installing navigation and radio communication systems.
 A cutout needs to be made in the deck according to the dimensions of the superstructure. The frames should be interrupted, and a coaming should be drawn along the shape of the deck cutout— the cut frames should adjoin this coaming.
3. Rework the aft overhang. read less
Picture 2.jpg jpg Mar 14, 2025
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Picture 5.jpg jpg Mar 14, 2025
Picture 4.jpg jpg Mar 14, 2025
Picture 1.jpg jpg Mar 14, 2025
Picture 8.jpg jpg Mar 14, 2025
Picture 7.jpg jpg Mar 14, 2025
Picture 6.jpg jpg Mar 14, 2025

Things to know

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Open budget


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Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

2D & 3D Modeling 3D CAD Design

Job categories

3D Printing Design 3D Modeling Yacht & Marine

About the client

Payment not ready

Spain (10:25 am)



Job activity

8 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

5 unanswered invites

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