Automotive 3D model designer Anyone

About the job

We are an electric motorcycles startup searching for a talented 3D artist who can join our team to design realistic renderings of our new motorbikes concepts.
We are an electric motorcycles startup searching for a talented 3D artist who can join our team to design realistic renderings of our new motorbikes concepts.
We are an electric motorcycles startup searching for a talented 3D artist who can join our team to design realistic renderings of our new motorbikes concepts.
We are an electric motorcycles startup searching for a talented 3D artist who can join our team to design realistic renderings of our new motorbikes concepts.

Things to know

Job location


Work location

Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate

Open budget


Job type


Job type

Job length

3-6 months

Job duration

Areas of expertise

3D Design

Job categories

3D Design Services 3D Modeling 3D Product Modeling Automotive Design 3D Product Rendering and Design +2 more



Professional working proficiency


Professional working proficiency

About the client

Payment ready

Poland (09:01 pm)



Job activity

42 Applicants

6 interviews in progress

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