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Internal Permanent Magnet Motor (IPM) Design Anyone

Client active

About the job

I need someone who is experienced with Ansys Maxwell....and who designed electric motors before......I have several projects to design a number of electric motors.

The 1st motor will be an IPM motor.
I need someone who is experienced with Ansys Maxwell....and who designed electric motors before......I have several projects to design a number of electric motors.

The 1st motor will be an IPM motor.
I need someone who is experienced with Ansys Maxwell....and who designed electric motors before......I have several projects to design a number of electric motors.

The 1st motor will be an IPM motor.
I need someone who is experienced with Ansys Maxwell....and who designed electric motors before......I have several projects to design a number of electric motors.

The 1st motor will be an IPM motor.

Things to know

Job location


Work location

Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate


Fixed-rate (USD)

Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

3D Analysis and Design ANSYS ANSYS Maxwell Render

Job categories

FEA Finite Element Analysis

About the client

Payment not ready



Job activity

1 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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