gate design-road designer (urgently within 24 hours) Ended

About the job

I am currently in need of professional assistance for a gate approach design project. I have two files that require review and potential adjustments.
The first file is a comprehensive Word document that provides a detailed description of the required gate approach design. It also includes a typical layout example demonstrating separate lane entries for both residents and visitors.
The second file is an AutoCAD drawing showcasing the design of five gates, clearly marked in red. I am seeking your expertise to verify the geometric design of these gates. If adjustments are necessary to ensure optimal functionality and aesthetics, I kindly request your expertise in making the required modifications.
I am currently in need of professional assistance for a gate approach design project. I have two files that require review and potential adjustments.
The first file is a comprehensive Word document that provides a detailed description of the required gate approach design. It also includes a typical layout example demonstrating separate lane entries for both residents and visitors.
The second file is an AutoCAD drawing showcasing the design of five gates, clearly marked in red. I am seeking your expertise to verify the geometric design of these gates. If adjustments are necessary to ensure optimal functionality and aesthetics, I kindly request your expertise in making the required modifications.
I am currently in need of professional assistance for a gate approach design project. I have two files that require review and potential adjustments.
The first file is a comprehensive Word document that provides a detailed description of the required gate approach design. It also includes a typical layout example demonstrating separate lane entries for both residents and visitors.
The second fi... read more
I am currently in need of professional assistance for a gate approach design project. I have two files that require review and potential adjustments.
The first file is a comprehensive Word document that provides a detailed description of the required gate approach design. It also includes a typical layout example demonstrating separate lane entries for both residents and visitors.
The second file is an AutoCAD drawing showcasing the design of five gates, clearly marked in red. I am seeking your expertise to verify the geometric design of these gates. If adjustments are necessary to ensure optimal functionality and aesthetics, I kindly request your expertise in making the required modifications. read less

Things to know

Job location


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Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate


Fixed-rate (USD)

Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

2D CAD Drafting 2D CAD Drawings

Job categories

Design & Drafting

About the client

Payment not ready

Lebanon (01:30 am)



Job activity

10 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

2 unanswered invites

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