This job has expired on Cad Crowd

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Warehouse design with details Anyone

Client active

About the job

I need a warehouse design(PEB Structure) with details coloum, truss perlin, foundation Bolt and nut, PCC, RCC etc
I need a warehouse design(PEB Structure) with details coloum, truss perlin, foundation Bolt and nut, PCC, RCC etc
I need a warehouse design(PEB Structure) with details coloum, truss perlin, foundation Bolt and nut, PCC, RCC etc
I need a warehouse design(PEB Structure) with details coloum, truss perlin, foundation Bolt and nut, PCC, RCC etc

Things to know

Job location

Bhilai, India

Work location

Job skill level


Skill Level

Job rate


Fixed-rate (USD)

Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

20-20 Design 3D Analysis and Design 3D Architecture Design 3D CAD Design 3D Design Analysis +2 more

Job categories

Structural Design Services Structural Steel Detailing

About the client

Payment not ready



Job activity

2 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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