Hire freelance Microcontroller Programming designers near Playa Del Carmen, QR
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I'm electronic engineer specialized in high perfomance PCB design and embedded programming.
I have fifteen years of experience in PCB designs for high performance boards.
The last four and half...
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I'm electronic engineer specialized in high perfomance PCB design and embedded programming.
I have fifteen years of experience in PCB designs for high performance boards.
The last four and half years I was working in naval equipment design as echosounders and autopilots applying rigurous EMI standards. In my portfolio you can find pictures of same of my works.
I know how mix digital microcontrolers, small signal conditionning and high power in same board without interfering.
I use design rules recomended for manufacturers as Analog Devices, Texas Instruments, ST, etc.
I have a knowlegments in net sensors area and PCB design for RF applications (2.4GHz) like Zigbee, Bluethoot and WiFi.
I can work by tasks or for hour, like you prefer.
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freelancers are available by email and often by phone/Skype.
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Hire Microcontroller Programming Designer near Playa Del Carmen
Hire a freelance Microcontroller Programming expert in Playa Del Carmen! Find remote experts from our list of Microcontroller Programming professionals.