Hire freelance 3D product demo services for your company

We help you find vetted 3D product demo companies for confidential help on demand

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US Army Corps of Engineers

Our 3D product demo freelancers are experts

So, you have an excellent idea for a product and you’ve even gone so far as to develop a workable model for your stakeholders to view. However, did you know you could seal the deal by going a little further with the product modeling process? Well, you can, and a 3D product demo may be the exact thing that can take your product development process to the next level. A 3D product demo or demonstration allows you to animate your product and let your audience see what your product has to offer.

There are times where your audience may want to get a more in-depth look into your product idea. If you are producing a combustion engine, then your client would like to see the inner workings of the components. The same is true with an electrical device or a toy. This scenario is when a 3D product demo would be the perfect answer.

However, before you begin the 3D product demo process, you have to start with finding an exceptional designer to get you on the right path, and that is where Cad Crowd comes into play. For almost the past decade, we have connected entrepreneurs with capable and talented freelance CAD designers. We have worked with everyone from small businesses and entrepreneurs to large corporations. Regardless of how large your company or business is, you can benefit from an exceptional 3D modeling design service who knows you to bring your product development process from conception to completion.

We want you to have the best, and for that to happen, you need to have the best on your team. The last thing you want is to have to manage accounting, finance, HR, and worry about the 3D product demo process. You and your team are well-equipped to handle core business activities, and we want to help you do exactly that.

So, regardless of the complexity of your process, we want to handle your 3D product demo, and introduce your team to a stellar product demonstration. So, if you are wondering why a 3D product demo may be necessary for what you do and how we can help, stay tuned.

Why 3D product demos are excellent for your business strategy

There are a variety of benefits to adding a 3D product demo to your business experience and strategy. Here are a few reasons why this should be a priority for you:

Tell an engaging story – A 3D product demo isn’t just an advanced CGI show; it can tell your product’s story in a way that is compelling to your audience. Our designers are adept at creating a narrative that resonates with your stakeholders, and we want your product to be front and center within its own lifelike and animated story.

Add essential information – Maybe you want to combine a 3D product demonstration and a presentation. Our team can make that happen for you. If you wish to include graphs, statistics, or additional informative data about your product, we can combine these two tactics to truly create a holistic demonstration of your product and what it has to offer.

Bring your product to life – While the goal is to show off what your product can do, we also want to make sure it is front and center, and the best way to do this is to produce a photorealistic design. Our designers can create a rendering for you that is clear, vibrant, and fits with you and your client’s expectations.

Ensure everyone is on the same page – 3D product demos are an excellent way to further engage your audience. However, they also serve another purpose. A product demonstration can help you ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding the product. Are the specifications and colors correct? Are any changes necessary? Well, this is the time to ensure if those things are essential.

Get everyone excited about your product – 3D product demos are also a creative way to create hype or excitement around your product. For example, if you are developing a new and innovative type of sneaker, you can drive hype for it by creating a product demonstration that shows someone in the shoe. They could be playing sports, walking to work, or going out on the town. Your target audience can drive the narrative that goes along with this product. You are giving your customers something to look forward to while showcasing your product.

Let people interact with the product – It isn’t just about showing off your product; customers are also looking for engagement and interaction. With the emergence of touchscreen technology, you can now create 3D product demonstrations that your customers and internal stakeholders can interact with. They can zoom and expand certain parts of the equipment, or rotate for another view. This process also helps to reveal any mistakes as well as assist everyone in becoming familiar with the product.

So, the benefits are plentiful regarding 3D product demonstrations. However, after you establish what you need, it is crucial to find an excellent designer to begin and finish this process. Cad Crowd is here to help you move to this step. We want to ensure you are working with an excellent designer who is committed to providing you with an exceptional 3D product demo that gets your stakeholders invested in what you do.

Applications of 3D product demos

While any industry can utilize 3D product demos, there are some specific applications of this technique. Here are a few well-known and common uses for 3D product demos that you should be aware of.

Architecture – While real estate isn’t a product in the traditional sense, it is something you can sell so it is worth mentioning. One of the best ways to influence potential buyers or renters is by offering a first look into a potential commercial or residential space. From showing off the interior to displaying the foundation of the exterior, customers are all about seeing how they could fit a specific living or working space into their life. So, showing a compelling architectural animation is critical to getting your potential buyers excited about a property.

Automotive – 3D product demonstrations can accomplish a lot for automotive and transportation-based companies. Not only does it show what an existing brand of a car can do, but it allows automakers to be creative and forward-thinking. 3D product demos are excellent for creating concept cars and testing consumer taste to see what potential car buyers could be looking for in their next vehicle. The intricacies of automobiles and the new tech features that they offer can be interacted with in a 3D product demonstration.

Medical – Today, we are approaching a world where robots are conducting surgery, and doctors can look at holographic images of various parts of the body. So, today, 3D product demonstrations can add a lot to the medical field. From sonograms to X-ray machines, there is much benefit to being able to demonstrate the new capabilities of these machines as they evolve.

VR and training – Today, training, AR, and VR are all joining forces. You can interact with various types of training and work processes with the help of technology that is used during 3D product development. Engage with co-workers, collaborate, and even attend virtual conferences. You can also conduct 3D product demonstrations in these virtual environments.

Aerospace and engineering – 3D product demonstrations are especially useful for this industry and sector. Being able to virtually visualize engines, computers, robotics, or even space shuttles is crucial for the design and engineering process as a whole. It is vital to be able to identify specifications and have the ability to tell if the demonstration is not lining up with those specifications.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of industries that utilize 3D product demos. However, it does represent a large number of sectors that use 3D product demonstrations and animations to further their marketing and overall business goals. 

Regardless of whether you are within or outside of these industries, our team of freelance designers can help. We have designers who are familiar with a wide range of industries, and you can use our platform to find any that are specific to your needs. So, to get a feel for how we help you find the designers you need, be sure to check out our how it works page. Also, be sure to take a look at the other services we offer by visiting our services page.

The benefits of outsourcing your 3D product demonstrations

3D product demonstrations are excellent for furthering your business. However, you still have day-to-day tasks to handle. You want a process that enhances your product development process instead of slowing it down. If you are trying to figure this out yourself or having your in-house team handle this, then you are definitely diminishing your progress. 

The goal should be to add more efficiency to your time, and outsourcing your 3D product demonstrations can accomplish for you. We believe in the power of utilizing the help of a design freelancer and have helped to match entrepreneurs with them for this reason. So, here are some reasons why you should consider outsourcing your 3D product designs.

Optimize your time – Outsourcing is mostly associated with virtual assistants and administrative work. However, it can also be used for more involved tasks like design practices. Our platform allows you to efficiently outsource your 3D product demonstrations to a capable and talented freelance designer. Because of this, you can focus on the tasks that are necessary for you and your team to manage.

Get another perspective – A talented and capable designer can provide another eye on your designs, which is excellent for your business. Sometimes, it helps to have the input or advice of a talented designer. They may be able to offer you another perspective on your project or even help you go on another path that will help to add more substance to your deliverable. In an organization, it is easy to succumb to groupthink, so it helps to have someone outside of your business to offer guidance that is not held back by office culture.

Save money – When it comes to outsourcing, it can be tempting to think that your budget will be challenged. However, the opposite is true. Unlike paying an annual salary, you have a bit more flexibility with how you compensate your freelance designer. Our platform allows you to purchase a block of time when it is convenient for you. This approach enables you to better plan for how much you need to spend and gives you the chance to select a mutually beneficial payment structure.

Get the experience of an expert – The gig economy has made it more likely that you can work with expert designers at an affordable price. Platforms like ours allow for more work flexibility for designers, which lets you find a freelancer who has the experience to match the 3D product demo experience that you need. So, bypass the process of having to work with a full-on design firm, and communicate directly with expert designers who are equipped to help.

Receive help during the hiring process – This especially applies to our platform in particular. Our team understands that hiring the best designer for the job can be a significant challenge and drain on your time and money. This reason is why we specialize in helping entrepreneurs of all kinds find the help they need. There are a variety of ways we can match you with a talented and capable 3D product demo designer, so see which works for you and your staff today.

Produce quality work faster – When you work with a talented and experienced designer, you can almost count on the fact that they will produce work more efficiently. As a result, you can complete projects and produce deliverables much faster, which will satisfy your internal stakeholders and impress your customers. In short, outsourcing allows you to expand your team with professionals who can reduce the time it takes for your product demo to go from ideation to completion.

Increase your competitive edge – When you hire the best, you can then compete with the best. Outsourcing enables you to access talent pools that could only be afforded by larger companies years ago. Now, that top-notch 3D product demonstration designer can work for you because you can afford to pay for the time you need from them. This scenario increases your competitive edge, as you are now in a position to go head-to-head with larger companies with higher market share.

Use your primary team more effectively – Your current employees don’t have to learn about 3D product demonstrations or have to figure out how to work this into their current workday. Your freelance designer can handle this project so your core team can work on business activities that need their specific attention. They don’t need to split their time between their current essential duties and this additional project, which will naturally add efficiency to your business processes.

Enlarge the talent pool regardless of location – An excellent perk of outsourcing is that you are not only limited to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, or your current location. The best 3D product demo designer for your project may be in Mexico, or they could be down the street. Wherever they are, our platform allows you to have access to them. Skill can be anywhere, and outsourcing lets you take advantage of this as you look for the professional who is the best fit.

Outsourcing may seem daunting, and like something you don’t want to take on alone. We understand, and that is why our platform specializes in handling much of the outsourcing process for you. From scheduling demonstration meetings to getting everyone on the same page, you and your team have many moving parts.

Fortunately, Cad Crowd can take away the worry of handling the outsourcing process alone. Again, there are a variety of ways we can match you with a 3D product demonstration designer, while also ensuring you stay within budget and also find the quality you need. So, we invite you to allow us to help you realize all the benefits outsourcing has to offer by letting us manage this process for you.

What your 3D product demonstration and animation can consist of

A stellar 3D product demo and animation video should accomplish two things: it has to be compelling (while telling a story), and also technical in showing the internal equipment as well as the product’s function. So, a savvy designer should combine the qualities of creativity and technical design. When you receive a 3D product demo and animation video from a pre-vetted Cad Crowd designer, these are some of the elements you can expect to be a part of the experience:

  • Clear and precise renderings – Whether you want to show off a smooth wood grain finish or the sleek outer shell of a phone, our team can render 3D models that showcase the designs and intricacies of your products. Your customers and stakeholders will walk away from the demonstration, knowing what they can expect once the design is finalized.
  • The capturing of all angles – You want to highlight the entire make-up of your product. So, we can ensure the demo captures all angles with overhead, side, and even bottom-up views of your product. We also understand that lighting can make or break a rendering or animation, so expect clear lighting that enhances the look of your product. 
  • Show all components – What parts are coming together to make the piece functional? What equipment is being used on the inside? Allow your customers and stakeholders to get a feel for what to expect by allowing us to incorporate an exploding view that showcases all the parts used within the product. 
  • Detailed and unique views – We can zoom in on specific sections, go back and forth various aspects of the product, and include visuals that highlight particular parts of the model during the demo. Our designers can combine your preferences with their skills to create a 3D product demo that everyone is happy with. 
  • Add in other forms of data or media – While showcasing the product is the primary reason for the demonstration, you may also want to share additional information about the product or project. If you wish to add in b-roll, charts, graphs, pertinent data, or even audio or visual commentary, our designers can create a 3D product demo that meets your visual and strategic business needs. 
  • Attention to your audience – At the end of the day, the goal is to increase sales and satisfy your customers. That is the lens our designers will work with as they develop your 3D product demonstration and 3D product animation. Our designers can work with your engineering and marketing team to accomplish the goals of attracting your audience while also showcasing the necessary product information. 
  • The option to use images for other media – You may decide you want to use a still from the demonstration for a brochure or a social media graphic. We can render your 3D models to accomplish this purpose. If you need additional illustrations, we have designers who can handle this for you.

Because of the complexities of the 3D product demonstration process, our team understands that you want to work with someone who can take your ideas and add their spin of creativity and technical design skill.

When you work with a Cad Crowd designer, you can expect to receive top-notch service that is customized to your individual 3D product demo needs. Your demo should tell a story while also informing your stakeholders about what to expect. You want to increase their understanding of your product, while also getting them excited for its launch.

Fortunately, you don’t have to sacrifice one to have the other. An exceptional designer can make both of these purposes a priority for you and your business. So, we encourage you to allow us to handle your next 3D product demo project. We will do all we can to ensure you are not disappointed and feel your project is going on the right path.

What you can expect when working with a Cad Crowd designer 

As mentioned above, our global network of designers is pre-vetted and experienced in their respective industries. They are bringing years of skill and first-hand experience with them as they prepare to work with you. We know that you are seeking the best for your 3D product demo project, and we want you to see the type of service you can expect when working with our team at Cad Crowd as well as a designer:

Customization – You do not deserve a “one size fits all” approach. Your 3D product demo project is unique, and it should be treated as such. Our designers will work with you to ensure their plan for your project fits your specific project needs.

Communication and transparency – We understand that you need to be in the loop on all the decisions made, and so do our designers. They will do what they can to keep you up-to-date on all project progress, and communicate with you in a way that makes you feel confident in the decisions being made concerning your 3D product demo project.

Accuracy and precision – You have specifications and measurements for a reason, and our designers will do all they can to stick to them. We even have designers who can inspect your models and measure them up against your original specifications to ensure the renderings and demonstrations are accurate.

A straightforward hiring process – No one wants to spend hours combing through resumes, cover letters, and references. Fortunately, our platform takes all of this out of the equation. Again, our designers are pre-vetted and screened before they become a part of our network. This situation means that much of the vetting work is done, and you need only to determine if they are a fit for your specific project. Save time and energy by allowing us to help match you with an exceptional designer.

Deciding to take on a 3D product demonstration process is not an easy decision. It can come with many costs and requires much time for the design and refining process. However, if done properly, it can be a piece of media that allows you to capture the attention of your audience.

We know that you have a business to run, but that you still want to realize the benefits a well-crafted 3D product demo process can bring to your business. So, we invite you to allow us to manage your next 3D product demo project. Our designers are equipped to provide the results you need at an affordable price. We know you have a lot to manage, and we specialize in helping companies like yours achieve what they need to regarding the design process.

If you are ready to begin the process, we invite you to request a free quote today!

Our 3D product design services and freelancers are at your disposal

At Cad Crowd, we have a network of freelance product designers who have worked on all sorts of contracts. Regardless of the type or project you need help with, contact us to find out how it works.


Brands we've worked with

Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

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