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At 13 years old I started my studies as technician for the jewelry manufacturing industry. It was a 6 year's long education encompassing different techniques such as relief, chiselling, engraving, carving and other jewelry manufacturing methods.

While I was studying, I started working at the age of 15, in a jewelry company, learning know-how in different manufacturing techniques.

Parallel to my studies, I started as a hobbyist learning 3d CAD software, such as: 3d studio max, character studio.

In 2006 I started using Rhinoceros as a tool for 3d jewelry design at a jeweller in Valencia, Spain. A new world was opening to me.

Some time later I got introduced to zbrush as a jewelry design tool, more powerful and complete, allowing the creation of organic designs. the sky is the limit !

With over 30 years of experience, I feel the desire for both sharing my knowledge as a teacher as well as to continue developing my skills.


  • Raggio School Technician for the jewelry manufacturing industry, Jewerlry 1989 graduation

Age: 54

Joined: June 22, 2016


Castellуn De la Plana, Valenciana, Spain