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Majaa $30/hr

Maja J.

ZBrush Designer

  • 3D Modeling
  • Jewelry Design
  • CAD Design
  • Jewelry 3D Modeling
  • 3D Jewelery Rhinoceros
  • Jewelry CAD Design
  • 3D Jewelery Design
  • Jewelry
  • ZBrush
  • Gemvision Matrix/Rhino

Last updated: Mar 9, 2025

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FAQ for Hiring ZBrush Designers

Developed by the company Pixologic Inc., ZBrush is a digital sculpting tool that combines painting, texturing and modeling in 3D or 2.5D. The proprietary “Pixol” technology in the program enables an artist to achieve a level of detail and creativity that is impossible with typical 3D software packages. 

Pixol technology stores color, material, lighting, and depth information for all objects on the screen. Unlike traditional modeling packages, it leans more towards sculpting, rather than mere graphic designing. 

CAD designers and 3D modelers use ZBrush across a wide range of industries. It is used to sculpt high-resolution meshes of environments and characters in computer games. Moviemakers use it for the creation of assets that require exceptional details. Its application also extends to engineering, animation, jewelry design, toys, fashion, and medical illustrations. Nearly every project that requires 3D sculpting can be handled with ZBrush. 

Regardless of the industry that you are in, our army of exceptional ZBrush freelancers can help you with all your digital design and sculpting needs. They have the expertise and knowledge of the various features of ZBrush, allowing them to sculpt models and meshes with amazing details. 

As a premier source of highly skilled and talented professional freelance engineers, drafting technicians, graphic designers, project managers, architects, industrial designers, and many other professionals, Cad Crowd can bring the right individual to your doorstep. If you are looking for a freelance ZBrush designer who knows ZBrush inside and out, you’ve come to the right place. 

Our freelance ZBrush designers are well-versed in 3D Brushes, Polypaint, Illustration, Transpose, ZSpheres, GoZ, Best Preview Render, DynaMesh, Fibermesh, and ZRemesher. 

They also know a few tricks of the trade that other ZBrush designers may not know about. PaintStop, for example, is a built-in painting and drawing plug-in that works similarly to Quicksketch. It may not be full-featured, but it makes an ideal tool for creating rough sketches, giving lines, and shapes of intangible ideas. 

The Spotlight feature, on the other hand, will showcase ZBrush freelancers’ resourcefulness. It can be used as a reference tool when screen real estate is limited, or when there’s no secondary monitor available. Our designers will make do with what they have, because of their extensive knowledge. 

Apart from ZBrush services, Cad Crowd also offers a host of other services – freelance 3D modeling, CAD drafting services, and 3D design. With designers, drafters, and animators in our community, we are your one-stop-shop for anything and everything design. 

ZBrush is an impressive technology with a wide range of applications. Of course, the effective and proper use of any software tool dramatically depends on the skills of the designer. This is why it is essential to work with the best ZBrush freelancers that you can find. 

With Cad Crowd, you know you are working with nothing but the best designers. Our guarantee? We will connect you with vetted top-rated and pre-qualified designers. They will work you remotely, whether individually or in collaboration with your team. This ensures our freelance ZBrush designer will share the same goals as the rest of the project crew. 

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