Global rank:
63,176 / 96,091
Skill pts: 0


I am a mechanical engineering pre-final year student who is passionate about Aerodynamics. I'm well versed with Solidworks, Ansys, CATIA, ADAMS, and Fusion 360. I've applied my knowledge of this software while designing and fabricating a couple of drones and aircraft with my team I have knowledge about 3D Printing and design Thinking.


  • UAV Design Intern Urban Matrix Technologies · Internship May 2023 – Present 1 yrs 10 mos Bengaluru, KA, India


  • PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur BTech, Mechanical Engineering, A 2020 – 2024 Activities and Societies: Coordinator of the Automotive and Fabrication Club, Member of the Robotics Club and CAD Club.