Global rank:
83,527 / 94,159
Skill pts: 0


I'm a dedicated CAD professional whose applications have saved companies millions of dollars by allowing them to double the number of projects with the same workforce and timeline. I am passionate about creating world class software.

- Expert in software development and support of numerous CAD systems.
- Engineering fields including AEC, Manufacturing, Oil, Gas, Energy, GIS, Civil Engineering, Space planning, Airspace, CNC, Hydro and Virtual Reality.
- Ensured rapid acceleration of design processes based on vast experience in various areas.
- Expert in auditing legacy and modern applications, checking the quality and effectiveness of software.
- Expert in software development for CAD format/data conversion and intelligent error detection.
- Expert in reverse engineering plugins with the ability to recreate and functionally improve lost code.
- Expert in providing legacy solution support and solution modernization.


  • Lead Product Manager SolomonCAD · Freelance Aug 2019 – Present 5 yrs 6 mos Toronto, ON, Canada - Design and development of The SEP Lot Constructor that saves up to 98% of time required in design process for the generation and modification of lot setback curves.
    - Stand-alone permanent and trial licensing with online distribution.
  • Senior Software Engineer The Home Depot Canada · Self-employed Aug 2019 – Apr 2023 3 yrs 8 mos Toronto, ON, Canada - Automatic batch conversion of all 180 store's drawings to a new format.
    - Smart batch printing.
    - Smart batch update of all drawings with a new phase of data planning.
  • Software Engineer De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited · Self-employed Jan 2020 – Jul 2020 6 mos Toronto, ON, Canada - Engineering of detailed architecture for the migration of CATIA V4/V5, Enovia, and custom development for the latest CATIA release and PLM solutions.
    - IBM and Bombardier teams accepted this architecture ‘as is’ as a roadmap for migration and conversion.
    - Development of verification tools for migrated data from UNIX to Windows
    - Meticulous research of Unix Shell, Perl and TCL scripts, Fortran, and C code for conversion to .NET.
  • Senior CAD Software Engineer / Architect / Developer PalyStudio · Self-employed May 2009 – Nov 2019 10 yrs 6 mos Toronto, ON, Canada Responsible for providing software engineering solutions and development services to a variety of clients in different industries. Software packages show best-in-class speed and stability. Development was mainly done on .NET.

    Please pay attention to the fact that some customers required full availability for their projects as full-time contracts. These projects will be described separately below.

    BIM/CRM/PLM systems
    - Solutions for removing ProjectWise showstoppers.
    - Development for the verification of Autodesk Vault data from third party processes. (PDM)

    - Implemented CUIX, DCL, Diesel and .NET with dynamically customizable interfaces.
    - Support, education, and consultation with CAD-related issues.
    - Provided the development for entity flattening including nested 3D XYZ scaled blocks.
    - Design and implementation automatic block libraries, parametric libraries.

    Architectural/Civil Engineering:
    - Design and implementation of the Interactive Windows Generator with a vast number of options, including data for glazing and spatial area analysis.
    - Due to flaws in the original Autodesk AEC object converter, I created a batch converter from AutoCAD Architecture format to Native AutoCAD drawings for third party projects.
    - Convertor of the survey Civil 3D drawings to office standard drawings. Functionality includes selectable undo options for any stage of conversion.
    - Development for finding lots ‘across the street’ with visual analysis
    - Development of Civil3D new routines for thorough manipulation with Alignments, Featurelines, Profiles, ProfileViews, Surfaces, Sites, Pipes, Pipe networks, Cogo Points, Sections, Grading.
    - Created a graphic interactive interface for editing pipeline networks and feature lines.
    - Substituted AutoCAD Civil 3D API bugs functionality with new homemade functionality.

    Automatic collaboration between CAD platforms:
    - Plug-in for meshes conversion to VDCL format for VectorDraw.
    - Converter of DXF format to OBJ 3D format, including the 3D transformations of variously XYZ scaled nested entities and blocks.
    - Converter of MI format to Collada format, used for panorama rendering virtual reality for Oculus Gear VR and walkthrough in Unity 3D.
    - Smart optimization of the export process which reduces the size of the Collada file up to 95%.
    - Development for material format conversion.
    - Native .NET XML reader crashed during large-sized Revit surface arrays; I created a custom XML reader /writer/splitter to solve this problem.
    - Implementation of QA automation routines to verify migration results.

    - BOM generator in Bentley OpenPlant Modeler for Enbridge/UnionGas pump stations.
    - For the world’s largest display manufacturer, provided engineering and implementation of a CAD software package for a BOM generator with extremely complex business logic each part of the software being highly customizable. Reduced design time from 7 days to 3 hours .
    Vlad Paly 1(416) 799-3618

    - Design and implementation of the XRefs scanning routine, with silent purge, audit, proxy detection, and all nested XRefs bending options.
    - Highly complex geometrical routines for custom complex problems solution.
    - Development of meticulous batch verification routines for CAD entities (business, geometrical, DB, logical, accounting), to avoid human factor errors, redundant data, and database errors.

    Code conversion / Data migration
    - Code conversion of Microstation/OpenPlant development (mdl, scripts) to .NET or VBA
    - Code conversion of existing Autocad Civil 3D software packages from VB6, VBA, VB-Script, LISP to VB.NET.

    Bridge between Tekla Structures and SmartPlant 3D
    - Design, development and implementation of Design Hub for ConocoPhillips Surmont Phase 2 Project, estimated at $3.5Bn.
    - Implementation project automatic conversion and migration from Tekla Structures to SmartPlant 3D.
    - Reduced import time from 12 days to a few hours.
    - Hub was recognized as the most advanced converter in the class by Tekla representatives.
    - Full entities CRUD verification and synchronization.
    - Geometric compiler for 3D transformations of solid objects and assemblies.
    - Error detection software (geometry and data), with interactive identification.

    Virtual reality / CGI
    - Development of plug-in for Sketchup 14/15/16 for VR panorama generation based on selected cameras and native shaders or VRay render engine.
    - Development of plug-in for Revit 2016 for VR panorama generation based on selected cameras usage and styles tuned by the client.
    - Extensive research of stereo/mono cameras including ocular biometric measurements.
    - Thorough research of lighting options like Ambient/Directional occlusion or Ray tracing, for automatic interior light tuning with render engines 3dsMax, AutoCAD, Revit SketchUp, Otoy, VRay, Podium, Iray.
  • Senior Software Engineer Municipal Tax Equity Consultants · Self-employed Jan 2014 – May 2014 4 mos Toronto, ON, Canada - Conversion of a large-scale GIS project from Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 to Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server 2012 for the government of Saskatchewan
    - Code conversion from VB6, Java to C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript
    - Export Oracle Data to a custom format.
    - Enhancement of databases and user interfaces
    - Development of a generator of highly complex SQL queries for Saskatchewan district revenue reports using statistical data.
    - Reducing time of query execution by up to 80%.
    - Implementation of a highly complex SQL report despite the fact that Autodesk representatives assured us that it was impossible to do so within the Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server 2012.- Conversion of a large-scale GIS project from Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 to Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server 2012 for the government of Saskatchewan - Code conversion from VB6, Java to C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript - Export Oracle Data to a custom format. - Enhancement of databases and user interfaces - Development of a generator of highly complex SQL queries for Saskatchewan district revenue reports using statistical data. - Reducing time of query execution by up to 80%. - Implementation of a highly complex SQL report despite the fact that Autodesk representatives assured us that it was impossible to do so within the Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server 2012.
    Skills: Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server 2012 API .NET · VB6 · JavaScript · ASP.NET · MapGuide 6.5 API · SQL · Orcacle
  • Senior Software Engineer ExxonMobil · Self-employed Apr 2011 – Oct 2012 1 yrs 6 mos Toronto, ON, Canada - Automatic batch global migration from Bentley Microstation to AutoCAD of over a million documents.
    - Solved ‘unsolvable’ problems related to corrupted data, tags, text nodes, polylines, image cropping, authentic bounding box for mtext, image global positioning, etc.
    - Batch functionality for detection of corrupted drawings and “on the fly” fixing.
    - Converters for outdated databases and project management systems to SQL databases.
    - Reached the best quality in the conversion of MicroStation drawings to AutoCAD drawings.
    - Development for massive automatic migration of project data to Autodesk Vault
    - Routine for recognizing exploded custom title blocks and fetching project data.- Automatic batch global migration from Bentley Microstation to AutoCAD of over a million documents. - Solved ‘unsolvable’ problems related to corrupted data, tags, text nodes, polylines, image cropping, authentic bounding box for mtext, image global positioning, etc. - Batch functionality for detection of corrupted drawings and “on the fly” fixing. - Converters for outdated databases and project management systems to SQL databases. - Reached the best quality in the conversion of MicroStation drawings to AutoCAD drawings. - Development for massive automatic migration of project data to Autodesk Vault - Routine for recognizing exploded custom title blocks and fetching project data.
    Skills: Microstation API/VBA/MDL · AutoCAD API .NET · SQL · Autodesk Vault .NET API · Lisp · QA Automation
  • Lead Programmer and Chief Architect Kohler Co. · Self-employed Mar 2002 – May 2009 7 yrs 2 mos Toronto, ON, Canada - Design, engineering, development and implementation of architecture, structure, functionality, codes, databases, libraries and interfaces of new CAD kitchen design software, with a project budget of over 50 million dollars.
    - Reduced the cost of one software copy from $10000 to $1500, by finding a way to use AutoCAD OEM software.
    - Development for kitchen parametric generation with a high level of cabinet customization and space planning tools.
    - Development for functionality for database generation, verification, and correction, to avoid errors in design, estimation, price reports, and material order forms.
    - Development for automatic generation of data and graphical instructions for shipping and site assembly.
    - Design and development of algorithms for a complex 3D kitchen design, using a combination with more features and 73 different cabinet shapes.
    - Design accurate, clean, smooth and highly detailed 3D prototypes for computer modeling and production, automatically generated from the database.
    - Design and development of highly complex unique geometrical routines such as: soft collision detector, automatic filler generator, intuitive cabinet placement routine, panel distributor etc.
    - Design and development of automatic tools for object mapping and photo-realistic renders, including the materials library with over 1000 tileable materials.
    - Responsible for the support of more than 300 users, including software installation, on-line supervision and training in new software and computer related issues.- Design, engineering, development and implementation of architecture, structure, functionality, codes, databases, libraries and interfaces of new CAD kitchen design software, with a project budget of over 50 million dollars. - Reduced the cost of one software copy from $10000 to $1500, by finding a way to use AutoCAD OEM software. - Development for kitchen parametric generation with a high level of cabinet customization and space planning tools. - Development for functionality for database generation, verification, and correction, to avoid errors in design, estimation, price reports, and material order forms. - Development for automatic generation of data and graphical instructions for shipping and site assembly. - Design and development of algorithms for a complex 3D kitchen design, using a combination with more features and 73 different cabinet shapes. - Design accurate, clean, smooth and highly detailed 3D prototypes for computer modeling and production, automatically generated from the database. - Design and development of highly complex unique geometrical routines such as: soft collision detector, automatic filler generator, intuitive cabinet placement routine, panel distributor etc. - Design and development of automatic tools for object mapping and photo-realistic renders, including the materials library with over 1000 tileable materials. - Responsible for the support of more than 300 users, including software installation, on-line supervision and training in new software and computer related issues.
    Skills: AutoCAD API .NET · Lisp · Software Architecture · Software Engineering · Product Designer

Joined: August 6, 2024

Last seen: January 9, 2025


English Full professional proficiency


Toronto, Ontario, Canada