Global rank:
9,819 / 94,844
Skill pts: 0


We produce 3D models of parts and Assemblies using the latest 3D software from your sketches, old drawings and ideas. This enables us to produce a complete set of 2D drawings of each part, including drawings of the assemblies, showing every detail required to produce each part and full construction of the finished design, complete with BOM's (Bill of Material's). Everything is linked, so if changes are required, everything updates so making the process that much quicker.
For the client who is inventing a new product, we are able to print a solid 3D fully working prototype model of the product enabling you to hold it in your hands and test the product out, cutting out the traditionally expensive route of having prototypes built and reduce the time it takes to get the prototype in your hands. A matter of days, not weeks.


Joined: April 25, 2013


Northamptonshire, United Kingdom, United Kingdom