Global rank:
29 / 96,276
Skill pts: 1,155
1st 1st Place
3rd 3rd Place


My work focuses on visual explorations of culturally significant data. I believe that creativity and technology are formative moments of the same reality as thought and action, planning and implementation. My strongest talent is my ability to come up with creative ideas and solutions, and then my dedication and persistence to see them through. I see each project as unique and calling for a special solution.

By sketching on my mobile personal device I could develop complete project package, and quickly and inexpensively create 3D visualizations with live interactive fly-trough’s, incorporate accurate satellite imagery, provide all relevant information and links to the detail technical specifications and impress client with outstanding presentations. I have directed and produced TV Broadcasts. Also I’m capable to produce highly interactive training programs to address industry-training requirements. Also I’m capable to design and develop fine-tuned interactive web solutions.
Using the 3D model, I work with clients to gather information on materials and cost of production. This information can be incorporated into a marketing presentation for prospective investors, showing estimated costs, production time, measurements, and materials needed.


  • The University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Urbanism and Architecture Master of Science Degree, A Virtual Reality Interface for the Spatial Database Engine 1988 graduation
  • The University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Urbanism and Architecture Bachelor of Science Degree, Architectural Design 1976 graduation