ArchiCAD Designer
Last updated: Mar 18, 2025
Do you need help with ArchiCAD design? Cad Crowd is here to help you! We will establish a connection between you and our freelance ArchiCAD specialists capable of making the best design for your new project. We have designers that are trained, certified, qualified and experienced. That’s why we can freely say that we guarantee that your ArchiCAD-related task will be created precisely and according to your needs and requirements. Get the most from hiring online and work with the best professional ArchiCAD freelancers from Cad Crowd.
ArchiCAD is one of the most popular architectural BIM CAD applications designed for both Windows and Macintosh OS. This award-winning software provides computer aided solutions for managing every aspect of engineering and aesthetics while the design process is on. It is focused on built environment which means on urban areas, interiors, buildings etc.
This program is almost 30 years old, but over this time it was upgraded and updated several times. Today, it is known as the very first CAD product for PCs capable of making 2D and 3D geometry. According to some statistics, more than 120.000 people use ArchiCAD today and many of them use it on a daily basis.
ArchiCAD represents a full design suite with both 3D and 2D drafting, visualization and lots of useful building information modeling features for designers, planners, and architects. Since we are talking about a suite, this means that there are many different apps within ArchiCAD that cover different design requirements and needs. Some of these apps include 2D CAD software which includes different drawing tools, 3D modeling software for making building forms, desktop publishing software, architectural rendering, building information modeling (BIM) software and document management tool.
ArchiCAD has many distinctive features and this is one of the reasons why this software is so popular. For example, it allows users to work with data parametric objects or smart objects. They can also use ArchiCAD for collaboration and remote access. There are many 3rd party vendors that have created libraries of architectural elements for ArchiCAD (APIs and scripting). Finally, thanks to ArchiCAD, professionals in this field can export and important BCF, IFC, DXF, DWG and many other file formats. If you want to feel the benefits of this suite, you will need to find a good ArchiCAD expert.
Plenty of designers you can find on Cad Crowd are ready to start working with you right now. They’ll work on every aspect of their task together with you. These professionals will start with assessing the current situation all the way to delivering the final product. Our designers can use every feature of this program at the right time providing outstanding results.
At Cad Crowd we are proud of our community of experienced CAD design experts gathered from across the planet. We are connecting clients and top-rated freelancers providing ArchiCAD services that will cost them a fraction of the money spent on the same services provided by conventional firms. Let us learn more about your project and we will gladly send you a free quote suggesting the best professional for the task.