Global rank:
21,329 / 93,864
Skill pts: 0


I have worked as an Electrical Draftsperson with experience in excess of 10 years. In this time I have specialised in the design of Electrical Equipment and Switchboards for use in Mining applications as well as the Marine Oil & Gas industries.
I am familiar with Power, Motor Control, PLC's & Instrumentation systems as well as 3D modelling of sheet metal enclosures.
In addition to my design experience, I have endeavoured to improve my knowledge of electrical systems by partaking in an adult apprenticeship as an Electro-technology Electrician. This has helped to improve my understanding of protection systems, cable size selection for voltage drop & current carrying capacity as well as direct experience in manufacturing and equipment assembly to incorporate better design into the end product.


  • Hunter TAFE Wyong Cert 3 Electrotechnology Electrician 2020 graduation
  • Hunter TAFE Wyong Advanced Diploma of Electrical Technology (Engineering) 2008 graduation

Age: 37

Joined: November 7, 2017


Gosford, New South Wales, Australia