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wahab-khalid $10/hr

abdulwahab k.

Instrumentation Designer

  • Instrumentation
  • CAD Design
  • Engineering Project Management
  • 2D and 3D Engineering Design
  • Excel Formulae and Macros
  • AutoCAD
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Word
  • Proteus Design Suite
  • Siemens TIA Portal
  • 2D & 3D Modeling Solidworks

Last updated: Mar 26, 2025

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Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
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The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring Instrumentation Designers

Are you looking for an expert in instrumentation for your project? Cad Crowd can connect you with skilled and knowledgeable instrumentation freelancers, who are also well-versed in other areas of design and engineering. With a community of designers and engineers from different industries, you will find a freelance instrumentation specialist that will suit your needs of instrumentation services. 

What is instrumentation?

Instrumentation refers to the measuring instruments that are used to measure, indicate and record physical quantities. The work involved can be as simple as reading thermometers, or as complex as developing a system that follows precise measurements. 

Instrumentation services involve measurement of many parameters or physical values, such as levels of liquid, viscosity, frequency, current, ionizing radiation, resistivity, chemical properties and composition, vibration, weight, voltage, inductance, and differential or static pressure. Whatever data and figures are collected are then used for a wide range of applications. 

At home, a good example of an instrumentation system is a home security system that uses sensors, local controls, remote monitoring and simple algorithms to work. The use of instruments that record and/or display sensed information make the system an application of instrumentation. 

The automotive industry, on the other hand, deals with far more complex instrumentation, for the reason that there are many parameters that need to be measured. Apart from providing information about engine rotational speed, a car also needs to display battery voltage and current, distance traveled, fluid temperatures and levels, and feedback from the various controls and the navigation system. Even the airbag uses instrumentation devices, such as sensors and actuators. 

Instrumentation in the aircraft industry has evolved from a few steam gauges and sensors to a complex avionics system. Most of its parameters are measured by inertial navigation systems, weather radar, global positioning system and other sensors and devices. Then, there is the air traffic control radar, which is a distributed instrumentation system. 

In a laboratory, instrumentation comes in the form of test equipment controlled by a computer. It is used to measure chemical and electrical quantities. 

The area that specializes in the principle and operation of measuring instruments, particularly for use in electrical, pneumatic designs and the like, is called an instrumentation engineering. It is highly in demand in industries that require automated processes, such as manufacturing and chemical plants. 

Why hire an expert?

Given the complex nature of the instrumentation process and application, you will need an instrumentation engineer or someone familiar with instrumentation systems to perform the required task properly and correctly. With Cad Crowd’s help, you don't need to look far and wide for an instrumentation expert. 

Our instrumentation freelancers have a diverse range of capabilities in the field, with knowledge in software related to instrumentation, such as AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Bentley Microstation, RasterCad and PDMS. Their skills also extend to other areas that will prove useful to instrumentation. These include Control Panel and CAD Design, Electrical & instrument design, Thermal/Hydraulics, and Electrical Distribution. 

To hire our instrumentation services, you can contact instrumentation freelancers directly through their member profiles, or we can do it on your behalf. Tell us what you need and we will connect you with a pre-qualified and vetted freelancer. 

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