
hello , I am mechanical engineer and I hold bachelor degree in mathematics and physics, with a lot of experience using Solidworks, AutoCad and Inventor since 8 years ago, in previous work I designed a mechanical parts, FEA analysis, Simulation, also I done render using blender and mixing it with the aforementioned softwares just by experimenting. I love videogames,build computer, do sport and watch movies with my friends. I like learn new thing just for curiosity like chinese or python (programming language).

I am available for an interview Monday to Friday 10 am to 12pm (UTC + 10:00 time zone). I look forward to having the opportunity to discuss the job further.

3D Models

Design Entries


  • University of Zulia engineering, mechanical 2018 graduation
  • Unermb Bachelor in Mathematics and Physics, Mathematics and physics 2012 graduation


Age: 36

Joined: February 7, 2018


Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela