Global rank:
3,789 / 94,841
Skill pts: 7


Thirty plus years of tooling experience in the aerospace industry including Northrop Grumman, Sikorsky Aircraft and GNN Aerostructures. After retiring I soon realized that I missed the challenge and intellectual stimulation of the the work that I enjoyed for my entire career. So, I formed an LLC and purchased licenses for CATIA and Solidworks and have been performing contract tool design projects for former employers and new customers alike for several years. The types of tools I have designed include:
o Composite airframe components (Molds, preform tools, trim fixtures, resin transfer molds, bonding jigs)
o Jigs and fixtures: major and sub-assembly tools, drill jigs, installation fixtures
o Tooling for Composite air-frame components (Molds, preform tools, trim fixtures, resin transfer molds, bonding jigs, etc.)
o Weld fixtures, electron beam welding tools
o Ground support equipment
o Machining holding fixtures
o Conceptual tool designs for manufacturing planning
o Inspection tools
o Test fixtures


  • State University of New York at Farmingdale Bachelor of Technology, Manufacturing engineering 1995 graduation