Global rank:
26,830 / 94,841
Skill pts: 0


I am a 3D Artist with more than 10 years of experience in the industry, having modeled, textured and visualised interiors, exteriors and products in a variety of styles.  I have an advanced knowledge in imagery creation with a working understanding / passion for the entire visualisation rendering process.I have a wide array of skills including low-poly and hard surface modelling, digital sculpting, PBR design and an advanced knowledge of lighting techniques.


  • 3d artist Freelance · Nov 2018 – Present 6 yrs 4 mos Barcelona, Spain - 3D Modeler for a 3D printing company.
    - 3D sculpt of a tree in Zbrush for a creative agency.
    - Creation of low-poly modeling and PBR materials for a 3D assets online suppliers.
  • 3d artist The JMP Partnership · Feb 2014 – Jun 2018 4 yrs 4 mos Beverley, UK - Visualisation of medical assets using advanced studio lighting techniques (3ds Max, Vray and Photoshop).
    - Realistic texturing of 3D assets for medical illustrations (Vray).
    - Fluid simulations using PhoenixFD showing water flushing out from taps and toilets. 
    - Bathrooms and toilet assets visualisations for catalogues.
    - 3D animations for medicine (viruses, bacterias, particles, camera walk-throughs).
  • 3d artist Freelance · May 2012 – May 2014 2 yrs Barcelona, Spain - Jewellery modelling and visualisation.
    - Architectural visualisations.
  • 3d artist Mobel Linea · May 2009 – May 2012 3 yrs Cervera, Spain - 3D visualiser for office furniture imagery catalogues. 
    - Responsible for the entire image creation process: interior design, colour harmony, image composition, modelling, texturing and rendering.
    - Modelling of office furniture assets.


  • ZbrushWorkshops Mastering ZBrush 4R8 with Paul Gaboury, 3D Modelling, Sculpting, Anatomy, Design For Games, Masterclass 2018 – 2018 Activities and Societies: - Working with ZBrush’s Brush System. Using Dynamesh, ZRemesher, Extraction, Panelloops and more. How to make the most of ZModeler to create polygonal models entirely in ZBrush.  How to easily breakdown complex designs using ArrayMesh and NanoMesh. Using Spotlight and Polypaint to texture characters and environments. Make the most of ZBrush’s lighting and material system. Output for 3D Printing as well as for film and games.
  • State of Art Academy Unreal Engine Masterclass, Virtual Reality, Masterclass 2017 – 2017 Activities and Societies: - Solid workflow to get always flawless results and to bring the architecture from 3ds Max in UE4 flawlessly. - How to setup a static / stationary lighting system to achieve a photorealistic result and how to create a multiple lighting scenario manageable via Blueprints. - How to make our Master materials according to our needs and how to optimise them for better performance. - How to generate smart shaders and an endless amount of tileable textures ready to work with your Master materials. - Blueprints: VR setup and interactions.  - Cameras, animations and FX.
  • State of Art Academy ArchViz Masterclass, 3D Architecture 2015 – 2015 Activities and Societies: - Photography Theory. Modelling for architecture. Image planning and photo research. Texturing and unwrapping.  Advanced shading. Global illumination methods in Vray. Workflow to optimise scenes for faster rendering. Environment and vegetation creation. Vray Pass and mask creation. 32/16 bit file management . Post-production effects. 


Age: 45

Joined: May 3, 2019


Kingston Upon Hull, England, United Kingdom