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Rate: $10 USD/hour[ edit]
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concretemike [ edit]
Engineering Developer - 3D Modelling Animator - 3D Rendering Expert [ edit]
Username: concretemike


Location: Belgrade, Serbia [ edit]

Member since: July 2014

I have great knowledge in 3D Design as I have been working as a 3D Design Designer for the past few years. I will prove to be beneficial for your projects in the areas of 3D Modelling and 3D Rendering I can work as a 3D Modelling Designer and 3D Rendering Engineer. I also have expert AutoCAD skills. I have also worked in Autodesk Revit software, Advance Concrete (CAD-integrated structural design software). I am available for your service at any time and will complete the given task on time. I am ready to be hired by you.
[ edit]

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Latest Bid On

Autocad Drafting-1
$500 USD 13 days ago

55\" x 99\" plot size ,,ground floor, first floor , basement floor,,,total beds required along with dress+baths porch

I have PDF needed to be Drafted.
$388 USD 13 days ago

hello ,i have PDF needed to be Drafted in AUtocad .each PDF have to be drafted ( draw it again in Autocad )i will only accept it if its accurate!i will have more projects next week............................................................................

AutoCAD drawing required
$666 USD 13 days ago

We have two PDF drawings that need to be drawn up to scale in AutoCAD. The one is a site plan and the other is an office building. The office building doesn"t require the furniture to be drawn. A template wil...

I have 50 Projects in PDF needed to be Drafted
$2200 USD 29 days ago

hello ,i have 50 projects in PDF needed to be Drafted in AUtocad .each project have 20-60 Piece of Paper needed to be drafted ( draw it again in Autocad )i will pay 15-40$/Page .. and i will only accept it if its accurat...

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Cafe bar

Private house

Cafe bar

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Aug 2011 - Present (3 years)

" COCOS doo ", Belgrade, Serbia

Company provides a design services of framework and reinforcement projects, for the foreign market, mainly with French design and contractor companies.

Some of the larger objects for which I was in charge:
• Parlement Europeen, Luksemburg
• UNIVERSITÉ TOULOUSE 1 Capitole, Toulouse, France
• COLLEGE AUTERIVE, AuterivE, France
• Construction de 170 logements, Beziers, France
• Clinique Universitaire du Cancer - Cancéropôle de Toulouse , France

Chief of the construction site, a part-time job.
Mar 2011 - Jul 2011 (4 months)

"Dunav brod doo", Belgrade

Chief of construction site at the pumping station in Surcin. I was in charge for keeping construction books, procurement of materials and equipment, and quality control of materials and embedded works.

Planner: Plan of technology, organization and dynamics of work, part-time job.
Nov 2010 - Jan 2011 (2 months)

Company: "Hidroplaning", Belgrade

For the purposes of construction of the landfill of hazardous and non-hazardous waste with additional facilities, I was responsible for the Project of technology, organization and dynamics of construction. This project included a complete construction technology, with site organization. The entire project was done in MS Project


  • Faculty of CIvil Engineering, University of Belgrade Graduated Civil Engineer of building constructions, Management, Technology and Informatics in Civil Engineering 2010 graduation
  • "Vujo Matic" Secondary Technical School for building construction Construction technician 2000 graduation