Global rank:
37,036 / 93,349
Skill pts: 0


3D modeler (Poly by poly and digital sculpture), with experience in educational games, augmented reality, virtual reality, modeling and animation for advertising, educational films, mobile and entertainment.Conhecimento em abertura de malhas UV’s, skinning e riggings de personagens e criaturas.
Knowledge in human and animal anatomy with experience.
Technical education and postgraduate studies in Digital Cinema.


  • 3D modeler, mapping, texturing, rigging, animation and technical artist. Imersys · Full-time Sep 2019 – Present 5 yrs 5 mos Curitiba, PR, Brazil Company dedicated to the development of training in a virtual environment and augmented reality


  • UFMG Post diploma, Digital Cinema 2000 – 2005 cinema specialization with the latest film production technology and digital animation

Joined: November 26, 2020

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Curitiba, Paranб, Brazil