Global rank:
38,716 / 94,988
Skill pts: 0


I hold a Master's degree in civil/structural engineering. My expertise is in Design and structural calculation of Civil Engineering works. I have experience in Static and Dynamic calculations. I am a competent user of AutoCAD and Solidworks software. I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in civil/structural engineering.


  • Engineering Projects Specialist DCH, Diseño Ciudad Habana · Full-time Nov 2012 – Feb 2014 1 yrs 3 mos Havana, Havana, Cuba Design and structural calculation of Civil Engineering works. Design and remodeling of architectural works, and technical surveys of buildings.


  • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Master, Civil Engineering 2014 – 2016
  • Technological University of Havana. Bachelor, Civil Engineering 2006 – 2011