
I am a Mechanical Engineering Sophomore, interested in the field of sustainable designing and manufacturing. I'm proficient in various cad software such as Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor, Fusion 360 as well as simulation software such as AnSys and Adams.


  • High Voltage Systems - Mechanical Design DJS Racing · Part-time May 2020 – Present 4 yrs 10 mos Mumbai, MH, India >Design of a Li-ion High Voltage Accumulator(460.8V Nominal, 148.8A Max.) for formula style electric race car

    >Detailed CAD of the design was made in Solidworks keeping in mind various design variables

    >Effect of various forces to be experienced when in use and stress analysis of the model was performed in Ansys Workbench

    >Thermal as well as airflow analysis was also performed using Ansys Fluent and an air cooling system was designed


  • Dwarkadas J Sanghvi College of Engineering B.Tech , Mechaical Engineering, 9.31 2019 – 2023


Joined: April 18, 2021

Last seen: August 14, 2022


English Full professional proficiency


Mumbai, Maharashtra, India