Global rank:
41,269 / 93,349
Skill pts: 0


I’m a Senior in Highschool in pursuit of some sort of way to apply my engineering skills in areas other than school. InAugust I will being going to school for Aerospace Engineering and I'd like to start saving to pay for it. I've been doing CAD for the past 4 years in school in my drafting classes, partially with my High school and partially with a local college. I feel that I excel in creating models off of ideas such as drawings like for parts or patents.

Licenses & Certifications

  • Autodesk Inventor Certiport Jan 2023 – Present
  • AUTO CAD Certiport Jan 2021 – Present

Joined: May 23, 2021

Last seen: February 8, 2023


English Native or bilingual proficiency


Cincinnati, OH, United States