Global rank:
41,856 / 95,291
Skill pts: 0


Have five years of experience in the field of Electromechanical, specifically BMS, HVAC, Firefighting, and technical coordination between all construction disciplines, my experience in these sectors including designing and shop drawing.Have excellent skills in all technical programs needed in MEP works like (Autocad, Revit, Ductsizer, Elite, HAP, Calculations excel sheets, ...etc.) these are the following of my accomplishments :
- ACA project in New Capital
o Accomplished the following:
Technical disciplines coordination and HVAC shop drawing and Calculations for basement of whole project.
As built drawings for Main building.
BMS Shop drawing and selection of wires, trays, trunks and panels for admin building, conference hall building and basement.
- Sports Covered Hall project in 6’October
o Accomplished the BMS Shop drawing and selection of wires, trays, trunks and panels.
-High Rise Residential Project in UAE
o Accomplished the HVAC shop drawing and Calculations.
-Badr Taxes Authority Project in Badr City
o Accomplished the BMS shop drawing and selection of wires, trays, trunks and panels.
-University Project in Saudi Arabia
o Accomplished the HAVC design for admin buildings.
-CIB Project in New Capital
o Accomplished the BMS shop drawing and selection of wires, trays, trunks and panels.
-Four Seasons Hotel Project in Egypt
o Accomplished the Fire Fighting System shop drawing and pumps calculations and selection.
-UTOPIA Factory Project in Egypt
o Accomplished the HVAC shop drawing and calculations and technical disciplines coordination.


Joined: June 12, 2021


Cairo, Al Qahirah, Egypt