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Amit k.

As-Built Drawings Designer

  • MEP
  • Plant Modeling
  • As-Built Drawings
  • Drafting
  • AutoCAD
  • ArchiCAD

Last updated: Mar 23, 2025

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FAQ for Hiring As-Built Drawings Designers

If you are interested in using the ultimate As-Built services, you have come to the right place. Cad Crowd is here to connect every client with freelance As-Built experts capable of creating the best design for your new structure. Every designer at Cad Crowd has been screened and checked and they are also pre-trained and pre-qualified. This gives us the confidence that our designers will meet your expectations and help you with your project’s needs and requirements. Eliminate all the dilemmas you may have about hiring online and start working with reputable, professional As-Built freelancers from Cad Crowd.

As-Built drawings, surveying, and drafting can be described in many different ways. The simplest definition describes As-Built drawings as revised set of drawing filed by contractors after finishing a specific task or after finishing a project. These documents mirror all the changes that have been made in the specs and working drawings that happened while the construction process was still on. With their help people can see the exact geometry, dimensions and location of all parts of the work finished under the contract. As-Built drawings are known as record drawings, measured drawings or simply  As-Builts.

It is not unusual to make some changes on a building project during construction. This is quite natural, as no one can predict what kind of circumstances will emerge during on site. Sometimes these changes are small and even insignificant, but in other cases, they are very important and radical. This is the reason why many clients ask for as-built drawings while the construction process is still on or when the task is completely finished. They want to know more about the changes that were made in the initial plan. In most cases, the contractor will mark up these changes with red ink and these drawings are used by the consultant team to make record drawings. This is what as-built drawings are all about. 

As-built drawings are kept during all the stages of a construction project. It is the construction coordinator’s obligation to make sure that these drawings are maintained. The as-built drawings are documents that are presented to the client for approval after the construction job is finished.

Our designers will work with your through the whole design process and help you with the as-built drawings from the starting analysis to the final files. Construction projects are complex and the changes we have mentioned may include some complex activities, but our designers will help you get the job done without any problems. 

 Cad Crowd has a community of thousands of freelance engineers, CAD designers, and other experts from all over the world. We will be glad to connect you with the best freelancers at a reasonable price. Send us your project description for a free quote. We'll analyze your requirements and connect you directly with a top-tier design freelancer. You won't find the same breadth of expertise from other CAD design companies! Speed up your project by hiring a Cad Crowd professional.

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