Global rank:
41,922 / 94,938
Skill pts: 0
ANSYS CFX ANSYS FEA ANSYS Fluent ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise Aerospace Design Ansys CFD CAD Design COMSOL COMSOL Multiphysics Propulsion Design Reverse Engineering Solid Edge SolidWorks SolidWorks Assembly Engineering SolidWorks CAM


  • Reverse Engineering JSAI Aero pty ltd · Full-time Sep 2020 – Present 4 yrs 6 mos Padstow, NSW, Australia


  • University of New South Wales Master of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering , 68 2019 – 2021 Activities and Societies: 1. UNSW ROCKETY TEAM , 2. Research thesis-“ design and analysis of miniature ion propulsion system for cube satellites” 1.As a UNSW rocketry team member I worked on the design of the rocket mission to reach an apogee of 10000 feet.
    My responsibilities included the following:
    -design of the rocket structural components such as motor mount , bulk head , body tube and nose cone using the solidworks

    2. The thesis was aimed at the design of a propulsion system for cube satellite and intended to do the following:-
    -selection of most suitable propellant for small propulsion system
    -design of the propellant feeding system and the study of all its components using comsol
    - study of the plasma formation in the discharge chamber for properties such as temperature and current density.
  • MAULANA AZAD NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BHOPAL Bachelor of technology , MECHANICAL EGINEERING, 66 2014 – 2018 Activities and Societies: solar racers 2.0 -team members The project was aimed at designing and manufacturing a solar run vehicle to compete in the nation wide ELECTRIC SOLAR VEHICLE CHAMPIONSHIP Competition.
    They responsibility included
    The design of steering system for the use in solar vehicle
    Study of Ackerman geometry to simplify the steering force required
    Manufacture of the vehicle chassis


Joined: June 16, 2021


English Professional working proficiency

Nepali Native or bilingual proficiency

Hindi Native or bilingual proficiency


Newtown, Queensland, Australia