Global rank:
1,666 / 95,043
Skill pts: 18


I am a computer aided design engineer, that helps people create consumer products. Whether electronic or mechanical, I can take you through the product development process. I specialise in electronic enclosures and products that are mechanical in nature. I create 3D models that are parametric, easy to modify and make.

Design Entries

Private project


  • Freelance CAD designer Self-employed · Freelance Jan 2022 – Present 3 yrs 2 mos undefined, United Kingdom After some great years at Microworkshops, I decided to part ways and persue my own journey as a freelance CAD design engineer.
  • SolidWorks CAD Designer Microworkshops · Full-time Sep 2018 – Dec 2021 3 yrs 3 mos London, England, United Kingdom I was a CAD designer, working on Solidworks, creating a wide range of single components for manufacture also creating fully interacting assemblies of larger mechanical products, for fluid alterations.
    My job ultimately was to create and prepare CAD files and drawings for prototyping and manufacture. However I am also proficient in 3d printing splicing software. The main manufacturing methods, I have dealt with are: 3D Printing, CNC machining, Metal extrusion and injection moulding.