My name is Jamie Smith and I recently moved back to Massachusetts after living in San Diego for the past 7 years. I have my MFA in Interior Architecture and Design. I have 10...
I am a Design and Technology teacher who specialises in Autodesk. Have 15 years experience in using Autodesk.
Specialist subject is Graphic Design and Autodesk, in particular...
"As long as I can remember, I have been a “drawer”. I have the ability to see something in my head and either sketch it or draw it in detail.
I won “Best of Class” in the 8th...
I am an Architect and Interior Designer, I have been working as a drafstmansince 2016. I had the opportunity to be able to approach this task from several perspectives both in...
Visionary | Positive | Perfectionist
Delivering quality work is the motto. No matter how small or big the task is.
Friendly, and dare to finish attitude. Have being in...
Need someone to create a detailed blueprint? Perhaps a 3d design of your character? background renders for your film or games? Or perhaps a drawing or illustration?
My works...
Hello, I am Subhan. I am a Graphic designer having 2 years of designing experience. I have been selling my designs on ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ and Instagram for almost 2 years. I like to work on...