Mechanical Design Engineer with over 5 years of experience in multiple industries
United Kingdom
Facing quick market launch pressures? Perhaps you are working for a recently-funded start-up?
And, in the meantime, are you tired of getting sub-optimal design due to...
2D & 3D Design2D & 3D Mechanical Assembly2D & 3D Mechanical Design2D & 3D Renderings31
Design and Manufacturing Engineer proficient in SolidWorks and Fusion360.
United States
I am a unique engineer that is highly skilled in taking an idea and turning it into a tangible product. I can design, model, machine, and test ideas. I have worked for many...
A charming and organized individual in the field of Mechanical Product Design and Development in automotive and robotics. Skilled at Mechanical Computer Aided Design. Strong...
I am a Mechanical Engineer with over 2.5 years of Experience in the field of Designing. I will create designs and animate your product based upon your requirement.
My Special...