designed before a shop crane and robotic leg
and designed before bench vice
designed a VGA card using FPGA (basys-3)
designed a circuit counted the number of people passes the...
Reverse Engineering doesn't need to be copying other's works
United States
I'm an artist of different levels of education gained, some by college, military, and other. My reverse engineering skills from international sources abroad, being bilingual to...
Roberto has experience in electronic embedded systems design and programming from concept to production, including a broad range of consumer electronics, power electronics,...
• Strong mechanical engineering foundation in design, manufacturing process, material selection, thermodynamic and fluid dynamics.
• Diesel engines maintenance and repair...
Siemens Femap, Finite Element Analysis & elmer Designer
My career is closely connected to science and computaional tasks.Algorithms from quantum mechanics, optical physics. solid body mechanics were implemented,optimized, tested and...
CAD enthusiast. Completed Mechanical Engineering for K J Somaiya College of Engineering, Vidyavihar, Mumbai in 2021. Work Experience of 1.5yrs at Suzuki Motor Gujarat....