I am a mechanical engineer with solidworks autocad programs and analysis knowledge on ansys.
ı am a mechanical engineer. I can model solid designs and with this ansys program I can model in terms of analysis.
2D & 3D Design
2D & 3D Drafting
2D & 3D Modeling
2D and 3D Drafting
2D and 3D Engineering Design
2D and 3D Mechanical Drafting
2D and 3D Solid Modeling
3D Analysis and Design
3D Assembly Drawings
CAD Design
CAD Tasarımı
CFD Analysis
Mechanical Engineer
Welding and Fabrication
Mechanical engineering professional with SolidWorks experience
industrial automation industry. Skilled in Solidworks, AutoCAD, Solid Edge, Computer-Aided Design (CAD), and PTC Creo, PLM,PDM
2D & 3D Engineering Design
2D & 3D Mechanical Assembly
2D & 3D Mechanical Design
2D & 3D Modeling Solidworks
2D and 3D Drafting
CAD Design
Design Engineer
Industrial Automation
Solid Edge
Muhammed Rashid K
Mechanical Engineer With Strong Drafting Experience in AutoCAD and Solidwors.
A highly efficient, hardworking and talented design engineer with a comprehensive understanding of design processes and also manufacturing and construction methods. Experienced in all the design stages
2D and 3D Drafting
2D to 3D Conversion Services
3D Design
3D Design Services
3D Modeling
Autodesk Inventor
CAD Design
CAD Drawing Services
Design & Drafting
Design and Analysis
Design Engineer
Drafting and Detailing
Drafting Services
3d modeling jobs
I need someone that can help me make a plastic deformation simulation using deform 3d V11. The workpiece piece is cylindrical with a hallowed space. The simulation is to insert a heated instrument rotating
2D & 3D Design
2D and 3D Mechanical Drafting
2D & 3D Drafting
3D Analysis and Design
3D Architectural Modeling
2D to 3D Modeling
Junior mechanical drafter with Autodesk Inventor experience
mechanical design, part manucturing engineering, 3D printing, basic CNC programming, automotive technician
2D & 3D Modeling
2D and 3D Drafting
2D to 3D Modeling
3D Modeling
3D modelling. 3D printing
3D Printing Design
Autodesk Inventor
CAD Design
CNC Programming
Mechanical Design