Skill CAD/CAM Design
CAD/CAM Design is a part of prosthodontics and dentistry that uses CAD software in order to design and improve upon dental restoration products. This sort of dentistry is used primarily for veneers, crown
Blog Post Why Animated Logo Design is More Effective Than a Static Logo Design for Your Company
Animated logo design has been around for decades. Before the heyday of smartphones and the Internet, animated logo designs were (and still are) all over TV commercials and movies. While the media and marketing
3d animation 3d company logo design 3d graphic designer 3d modeling design
Blog Post Generative Design: What It Is and Why It's Cool
Generative design is an intriguing new creative paradigm emerging in the field of design which mirrors similar developments in art and music. The modernists of the early 20th century emphasized the importance
generative design innovation new technology product design product design and development
Blog Post New Medical Device Development Life Cycle
basic criteria. A medical device is: “an instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, including a component part or accessory which
design control process medical design medical device design
Blog Post How is Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Used for Company Projects in Industry?
simulations used for analyzing the effects of predictable forces on a design. The mathematical-based analysis visualizes when or how a design can fail, materials will deform, assemblies might disintegrate, and
consumer product design FEA engineering manufacturing engineering
Blog Post How a 3D Product Animation Service Can Boost Your Marketing Efforts
It’s an established fact that video has taken over the Internet. Product design companies use videos on YouTube and social media to introduce their goods and services to millions of viewers. And if that
Blog Post 101 Inventions That Changed the World in the Last 100 Years
more complicated one. RELATED: We offer invention help for every field, including game design and automotive design. 22. Boombox First introduced by Philips of Netherlands around 1966–1969. The intention
Blog Post Top 11 Brilliant Inventions Discovered by Accident
that happened merely by mistake or were caused by a lack of discipline. Here are some great product design discoveries and inventions that came about thanks to some lucky accidents. I. Penicillin Antibiotics