3D Model PaintBallMount 3dModels
The main purpose was originally as a barrel mount for a paintball gun though I ended up modeling a second mount. The second mount allows me to keep the waterproof case and reversing which side the GoPro
Skill Digital Painting
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3D Model Painters Tripod
The simplest form of an artist's easel, a tripod, consists of three vertical posts joined at one end. A pivoting mechanism allows the centre-most post to pivot away from the other two, while the two non-pivoting posts have a horizontal...
3D Model Painting Easel
This painting easel features a unique design that allows for height adjustment and easy collapse for storage. It is crafted from white pine with aluminum accents.
3D Model Painting Robot
This is 3-Dof Painting Robot which is designed and modeled by me. Contact me for more information and to order a similar project. The model is created in SOLIDWORKS. It is completely applicable for manufacturing
3D Model Paintbrush Locking Mechanism
Locking mechanism designed to allow the bristles to be removed separately form the paintbrush handle.
Designer vitaliann
Professional with Video editing and paint 3D
mechanical engineer by profession with high skillsets in 3D modeling Design, Drawing, fabrication, Paint 3D and video Editing. I have over 3 years experience in design and fabrication in which I have successfully
3D Assembly Drawings 3D Modeling CAD Design Fabrication Design Furniture 3D Modeling Mechanical Engineer Video Editing
3D Model box for painters
Box built for development of a mold in university.
3D Model Water Painting Trainer
Water Painting Trainer
Project Shaker painted hutch/media
Need working drawings for the attached sketch plan