Blog Post
Enhancing the Aerospace Industry: Exploring 3D Printing Applications for Companies
creates custom antennas and filters for development and research in education, medicine, defense, and automotive. As radio frequency designers, Alexandre Manchec and Gwendal Cochet wanted to minimize costs, deliver
3d printing design
additive manufacturing
product design and development
Blog Post
How Companies Use Design for Assembly Services for Product Manufacturing
and weight, for example, which can be beneficial for products or projects in industries such as automotive or aerospace, where both factors greatly impact performance. It reduces the number of parts and
3D Design
CAD design
design for assembly
parts for assembly
product design and development
Blog Post
The Best 3D Modeling CAD Software for Designers
used for part design and highly complex assemblies Covers a broad range of industries, including automotive, marine, and aerospace and defense, which call for high-precision design and complex assembly work
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Enhancing Parts Design and Engineering with 3D Scanning: A Guide for Company Services & Freelancers
perform under various hypothetical conditions. The analysis is then used as the basis for predictive maintenance and the design plan for future products. All data gathered from the analysis should also lead to
3d architectural visualization
3D Modeling
3d modeling design
3d rendering
architectural design
CAD design
product design
product design and development
Blog Post
Top 100 Electronics Design Companies to Create Prototypes for Hardware Startups
design, electronics design services, Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design, hardware development, automotive electronics, Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) design, and embedded software development. One
product design and development
prototype design
Blog Post
How Industrial Designers and Engineering Services Have Influenced the Product Design World
includes ideation, research, prototyping, testing, analysis, validation, commercialization, and maintenance. All those processes running in a continuous cycle are expected to eventually lead the designers
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How Freelance Mechanical Engineers Use 3D Modeling for Design
in mechanical machine designing, which includes part and assembly modeling and automotive and solid modeling. Maintenance and service routines done on mechanical products also use 3D modeling to identify
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13 Future Innovations In 3D Rendering Technology Used by Leading Companies
without creating the extra expenses that come with higher foot traffic, such as more cleaning and maintenance. 3D modeling is being utilized in numerous ways for manufacturing. Of course, there’s basic 3D
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50 Excellent Tools for Freelance Industrial Designers and Engineers
Presenter, and Server. Its primary target markets are high-precision visualizers, for example, automotive designers. They have excellent features for jobs such as the direct rendering of NURBS and the
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Top 100 Sites for Free 3D Models and CAD Block Libraries
managed by the McMaster-Carr Company, a private Illinois-based supplier of raw materials, tools, maintenance equipment, supplies, and tools. The company’s main products fall under the electrical, mechanical