Aw, it was just an idea coming up to my mind at that moment. I was thinking the unicycle might be able to run faster if we can use a micro jet engine or something similar, It will not be pneumatic thou because it will still need electricity. But anyway, I got my prototype design done here. More detail design and installation instruction could be added after if you require~
Vinya: I was just wondering if a seat type was acceptable for an entry cause it was not mentioned in the "don&;t wants". Stand-up it is...20 hrs left to design. Maybe I can squeeze it in. Thanks for the feedback Vinya:)
Edward, i extended the contest so you also could update your design if you wish. I&;d say for you to have a realistic shot at the prize, I need to see some better close ups of your unicycle, I can see the cube you made better than the unicycle...
Sorry guys for not yet having clicked prepaid, its taken care of now....I didnt plan cheating anyone out form their money. Hey adam, im going to extend this thing just for you, its not JUST 80 bucks now, its guaranteed, cus its prepaid!
MS22 Design