hard hat
Full brim and cap style 360 degree 3D hard hat design. I like the base design of the attached hard hat sketches, but must change the ornamental design on the ridge. I am going for a hard hat with a racing helmet look, see attached for examples. Keep in mind companies normally place their logo on the front and back of the helmet, so those areas need to be smooth. These helmets will primarily be sold into construction type markets.
Dwarven Forge Bracelet
A bracelet design to complement our long standing line of Dungeons and Dragons/fantasy rpg terrain. Please view our website -- dwarvenforge.com -- to develop a sense for our product. You can also look at our recent Kickstarter campaign -- http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1745470388/1826778276?token=2a7841d2 (see "Game Tiles" on kickstarter.com).
I'd start with a bangle, probably with one main charm, a small crystal and a small charm with our logo -- kind of like "Alex & Ani" level of complexity, but for gamers. The main charm should probably be metal. The bracelets are for women, gamers or partners of gamers.
Design of 3d photography studio
Design a small 1.5 m x 1.5 m booth that will be an "add on" to the back of our current photography studios. These studios are in the middle of shopping centres. Single profile only. We have a specific design in mind so if your are good at CAD you won't have a problem doing this with ease
3D design for a lovely four-leafs clover keyholder
I am looking for a model of a four-leafs clover key holder that would just make me and anyone else fall in love with. If selected it would be an exclusive design. I just need the design of the clover (not the keyring, chain, etc.). I have something very specific in mind. Of course, should be so that it can be realistically produced (technical characteristic of the design - not necessarily the file/program yet). I am looking for something kind of full body, rounded shapes, if leafs kind of remind of a hearth even better, but not main. It really just should look: that's the one.
I am attaching a pic of similar objects, just to give you a sense of the full body, roundness ...
Ivan Zerpa