Razor and Shaving Brush HolderBlind

in 3D Modeling Design held by Bruce S.
Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
  • Open
  • Choosing Finalist
  • Ended
This is a consumer product design contest.

My company is called "Brushes & Blades" which is an online seller of “artfully designed objects to hold your wet shaving products.”

What is wet shaving?

Wet shaving is a return to the way your grandfather shaved, using either a straight edge, or double edge razor, a shaving brush, and a bowl to lather up the shaving soap. "Brushes & Blades" produces beautifully designed acrylic holders for wet shaving products (Brushes, Razors & Bowls).

What do I need in the way of a design?

I need different designs for a holder for a shaving brush, a double edge razor, and a shaving bowl. Designs are needed for both a Free-Standing Counter Model, and a Shower Wall Mounted Model. This contest is only for the Free-Standing Counter Model. The Shower Wall Mounted Model will be another contest at another time. These designs can come in many configurations, like one brush, and one razor, or two and two, or two and one, and so on and so forth, but for this round of design I want designs for holding one shaving brush, one double edge razor, and one shaving cream bowl, together as one unit. Think of the shaving bowl as the base, or foundation, from which the rest of your design will flow. Your designs should be artful, and interesting, but practical, as these are utilitarian storage objects that would be sitting on a bathroom counter. Additionally, your design needs to be simple but elegant with beautiful lines. As already stated above, the material these objects will be made from is acrylic, either clear, white, or black. Besides gluing separate pieces of acrylic together to produce your design, acrylic can also be heated to bend, so keep that in mind when coming up with a design. But, any bending must be limited to simple bends. Simplicity of design means simplicity of production, which means a lower cost to mass produce your designs. I am looking for a designer, or designers, who can balance these design parameters so that customers find these holders interesting, practical, appealing, and worth buying.
How will this contest work?

This is a two stage contest.

Stage 1
To begin with I only want conceptual drawings. It is not necessary to provide CAD drawings for this stage. You are welcome to submit as many conceptual drawings as you would like during this stage. I will give feedback on all conceptual drawings you submit, but if I am not receptive to your design, or designs, I will tell you at this stage. If I am not receptive to your designs at this stage, you will not go on to stage 2.

Stage 2
This is the stage where the winning designer, or designers, will convert your conceptual drawings to CAD drawings. If I have not approved your conceptual drawing in Stage 1 then you do not advance to Stage 2.

Dimensions for Stage 2 (See links to examples below for a visual understanding of dimensions.)

Height: Brushes must hang with bristles downward. Bristle lengths vary, but assume 3 inches from the bottom of the handle. Add about 2 inches for the handle so that the total brush length is about 5 inches tall.

Opening/slot for brush to insert into: 23mm

Opening for razor handle to fit into: 3/4 inch

Base for shaving bowl: Should be in proportion to your overall design so your design is stable when sitting on the bathroom counter. (NOTE: Due to the unlimited designs of shaving bowls your base should also be functional as only a base, should a customer chose not to utilize it to hold their shaving bowl.)

Thickness of acrylic is to be determined at the time of production but may be 1/2”-3/4”.

Below are links to examples of shaving brush & razor holders, double edge razors, shaving brushes, and shaving bowls. Use these examples as inspiration for your designs.

Pictures of shaving brush & razor holders.

Pictures of double edge razors.

Pictures of shaving brushes.

Pictures of shaving bowls.

3D Printing
I will want to create 3D prototypes of the winning designs prior to the start of mass production, but this is only so the acrylic fabricators have a physical representation of the holder, in addition to the CAD files. Actual production of the holders will consist of cutting, bending, and gluing acrylic sheets, not by 3D printing.
Don't Wants:
Overly complex designs that are costly to mass produce.
  1. SolidWorks, Catia
  2. Autodesk Inventor, SketchUP
  3. 3ds Max, Siemens NX (Unigraphics NX)
  4. Or any software that can make STL/STEP files for 3D printing


= Buyer's Rating
#52 Shave Brush Stand (Option) by Adam
Hidden design
#53 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder - Type 004 by Gibbo
#54 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder - Type 004-Bis by Gibbo
#55 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder - Type 005 by Gibbo
#56 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder - Type 005-Bis by Gibbo
#58 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder - Type 003-->thoughts by Gibbo
Hidden design
#60 Concept 3 by handsketcher
Hidden design
#64 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by kabbo
#65 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by kabbo
#66 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by kabbo
#67 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder rev0.1 by Michael Dimou
#69 Shaving Kit Holder by Raj Gilda
Hidden design
#70 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by kabbo
#71 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by kabbo
#73 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by Raj Gilda
Hidden design
#74 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by kabbo
#77 Shaving Kit Holder by Raj Gilda
Hidden design
#78 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by kabbo
#79 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by Raj Gilda
Hidden design
#80 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by kabbo
#82 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by Stella X
#83 Shaving Kit Holder by Raj Gilda
Hidden design
#85 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by Stella X
#86 JPEG File by Raj Gilda
Hidden design
#87 Shaving Kit Holder by Raj Gilda
Hidden design
#88 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by Stella X
#89 Acrylic razer stand with provisions to hold the blades packet by Rijinraj
Hidden design
#91 WET SHAVING HOLDER by Abid Yusuf
Hidden design
#92 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder v.4 by Stella X
#94 updated holder by Abid Yusuf
Hidden design
#95 Brushes & Blades -Razor and Shaving Brush Holder design 2 by Rijinraj
Hidden design
#96 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder concept 3 by Rijinraj
Hidden design
#97 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder concep4 by Rijinraj
Hidden design
#98 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder concept 3 and 4 new renders by Rijinraj
Hidden design
#101 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder V1 by N-Design
#102 Razor and Shaving Brush Holder by Jinen Sheth
Hidden design


Ivan Zerpa


Sat, 08 Apr 2017 02:19:17 +0000
Hello Bruce

I sent you the 3d models through a private message.

Bruce S.


Sun, 19 Mar 2017 20:13:29 +0000

Unfortunately no. For this contest I&;m only using acrylic as the material to make these holders from. If I do another contest in the future I might consider using other materials, but again, not for this contest.


Ivan Zerpa


Sat, 18 Mar 2017 02:50:23 +0000
Hello Bruce
Can I use other material and combine it with acrylic?

Bruce S.


Fri, 03 Mar 2017 05:30:43 +0000

Thanks for your comment. I have given feedback to every designer, on every one of their submissions, privately. And will do the same for you.



Thu, 02 Mar 2017 22:37:19 +0000
Sir, could you provide some review regarding our works? We need it to make more and better designs, you can send it privately, if you prefer, to the preferred designers!



Mon, 27 Feb 2017 11:28:50 +0000
Thanks for your previous answer!I&;d need some photos (link) to get the acrylic type, I can&;t get a decent render!!omg



Mon, 27 Feb 2017 01:16:31 +0000
The only place SLA printing is affordable for production is on the International Space Station.
You can&;t sell a $70 SLA for $15 retail and make money.
Sun, 26 Feb 2017 20:59:11 +0000

Since your profile description mentions that you have 25 years of experience in production I&;m not going to try to insult you.. But don&;t you know that SLA 3d printing is widely used as a production technique nowadays and that it has become more affordable? And also when I suggested injection molding I was still under the impression the goal was mass production(as stated in the description twice). Then again this is something you still might want to consider in case the product becomes successful and hand crafting it suddenly becomes a very expensive option. You could contain the costs by using an aluminum mold for example, and produce it abroad. Also, I know voids are a problem. But the buyer asked if clear plastics can be used and I answered his question..

So just to be clear, I&;m not about boondangling pretty renderings in front of clients. In fact I haven&;t even entered this contest. I just left some comments for the buyer to help him on his way realizing his idea.

Now if there is anything else, please let me know.

Bruce S.


Sat, 25 Feb 2017 23:17:00 +0000

Shaving bowls come in various sizes so it&;s difficult to give you guidance on their dimensions, which is why I did not put specific dimensions in my contest posting. I would look at the link I provided for shaving bowls to get a sense of their sizes. When designing a holder consider the area for the shaving bowl in general terms, and not specific dimensions. If I have concerns about the space you allocate for a shaving bowl I will give you my feedback when I see your design. Hope this helps.




Sat, 25 Feb 2017 18:37:29 +0000
or the spot sides



Sat, 25 Feb 2017 18:36:05 +0000
Could you provide the dimentions of a typical shaving bowl?



Wed, 22 Feb 2017 07:09:30 +0000
its all about client decision that what he or she will do. someone is trying to misguide client.that&;s not fear.how he said about another designs merit or anything?.its not fear.



Wed, 22 Feb 2017 04:26:13 +0000
its unreal. designers on this site boondangle clients with pretty renderings
and have no clue about manufacturing processes.



Wed, 22 Feb 2017 04:18:59 +0000
Redouan, do you realize what the scrap rate and cost of clear injection molded parts will cost you with
no voids or bubbles ?



Wed, 22 Feb 2017 04:13:29 +0000
3d printing is not a production option as you indicated Redouan. you night as well suggest CNC machining.
don&;t recommend overpriced manufacturing options.

Bruce S.


Sun, 19 Feb 2017 20:57:40 +0000
Thank you Redouan and Adam for your insightful comments, which are helpful to me as I navigate through the process of design and production. Given I am a new company injection molding might be a possible consideration once I have a sense of the kind of sales volume I will be getting. Regarding 3D printing, that is something I am thinking of doing for my prototypes. Since I&;m not yet familiar with the costs for 3D printing I&;m not sure if that is a cost effective production process once I start receiving orders, but it will be something I look into.
Sun, 19 Feb 2017 20:23:19 +0000

Like Adam said, injection molding is only cost effective for production of high volumes since the molds are expensive. I was under the impression that this was your goal. And to answer your question, yes clear plastics can be used. Most of your kitchenware for example is produced by injection molding ;).

Another possibility for you might be 3D printing. Not with an ultimaker or something similar but professional quality SLA printing could be suitable. This way you can produce shapes you can&;t even make with techniques like injection molding. This technique is often used for prototyping parts that will later be injection molded but also for low quantity production like in your case.

Anyway, I will probably upload a design soon. If you have any more questions related to the information above, or something else feel free to contact me!


R. Elmirou



Sun, 19 Feb 2017 19:34:29 +0000
If you anticipate low volume, you don&;t want to invest in expensive injection molds.

Bruce S.


Sun, 19 Feb 2017 18:56:37 +0000
Thank you for your comment. I am receptive to other production techniques for producing my products. Assembling by sheets of acrylic is all I know right now as a way to produce my products, so your comment is helpful. Although I am familiar with the process of injection moulding I don&;t understand the specifics of it, and how I can utilize it as an alternative for producing my products. I was thinking of producing my products using sheets of acrylic because if I have low volume orders I can make them one at a time as orders come in, whereas I think injection moulding might require higher volumes of products to be produced, but I don&;t know if that is the case. I am always open to suggestions on the best, and most cost effective way to produce my products, so thank you for your insight. One question on injection moulding, can I produce my products in a clear plastic just as I would with acrylic?
Sun, 19 Feb 2017 12:13:22 +0000

Thank you for providing such a detailed contest description! Although I see why you would like the products to be made out of acrylic, I don&;t see why you would want to make them out of sheets though.. Especially since you mentioned you want the products to be (cost effectively) mass produced. Have you considered other production techniques like for example injection moulding? Shooting out 1 product per second(s) would be a lot cheaper than cutting, bending, glueing etc. (if mass produced). Also you are not as limited in terms of shapes.

I&;m looking forward to your reaction!

R. Elmirou

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