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Design of new IR TV remote mostly concluded, I need expert to develop CADs for this device including small slide out drawer for a keyboard..
All culminating in SLA prototypes. Experience in consumer electronics would extremely helpful!!
Ability to refine drawings for best understanding by Chinese factories and maintaining design to fit their processes!
I need a mature attitude to the object of the job - to do best work, fast, at reasonable costs
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ClogAlert Sensor
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Pre-UL 3 Pump Electrical Schematic & Wire Run for PAWS
***Review sample request below. This contest is complete once UL approves and issues certification. Bonus of $500 to winning design to obtain UL will be awarded***
***To complete submittal of project, email files to before deadline***
***Payment guaranteed by and through CSG, LLC and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation***
This is for a new system being designed for PAWS for use in new tanks for rescued and rehabilitated penguins and seals.
This is a level control pump system, with 2 3HP 230V pumps and a single 230V pump. A level sensor sends a 4-20 mA signal to a Level Control with both N/O and N/C relays. 120 V Power to a 24VDC power supply is switched (ON/Off) allowing the coils for the contactors to close and the pumps can start if the level Control relay sees the level as OK.At low level a 24VDC signal tells a 5W valve to open, filling the tank to "Full". At low/low the pumps shut down and only restart if the level returns to "full" Flow line LC-52, Flow line DL-14 level sensor, I have a rough panel layout and welcome input on contactor and breaker size and Type (C?) as if power fails everything stops - and on power return it all starts at once drawing a lot of Amps for a short time.
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