How is the weather?Blind

in Industrial Design Services held by Boxborough
Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
  • Open
  • Choosing Finalist
  • Ended
Looking for packaging and industrial design help for a new project. This device will mount to a wall or ceiling in a commercial building. This device enclosure will need to let air into the device to contact up to 5 individual sensors. (See Attachment for general size of components and constraints)

Top wants
-Max form factor of 7" wide x 4.5" tall x 1" off wall (electrical box configuration) Wall mount could be up to 2" max off wall
- Attractive look for commercial office or educational buildings in landscape primarily, but also look good in portrait orientation.
- Sensor Status light feature for the entire unit (easy to view, sleek, but not eyesore during general use)
-Sensors need to be retained securely during shipment, but be accessible for replacement later on by unskilled labor.

Other Wants:
From the front look.
Front Bezel attaches to Back housing for periodic sensor replacement (must be easy).
Minimal Profile off wall
Airflow on bottom / side surfaces
Mounts to a 3-Gang electrical box (old & new work boxes & have surface mount option.
Easy installation
Sensors should be towards the bottom of the unit
When bezel is removed, have a place to hang /store the bezel while working on sensor replacement.
I/O should be easily accessible during installation.
I/O should be protected if installer does not use an electrical box.
Easy interface for installers for wiring & wire routing
Mounts to a 3-Gang electrical box & surface mount option
Overall Look of the design
Device installation ease
Use of status light in intuitive, unique, and aesthetically pleasing way
Don't Wants:
The design to look like a molded box mounted to the wall.
A display
too many components (keep as minimal as possible)
Ask for Sample:
No sample required, but renderings of the product alone in front, back, isometric view. Rendering mounted to a wall with a commercial (bank, office building, etc would be desired)
  1. SolidWorks (latest)


= Buyer's Rating
1st Winner
#13 sensor_box by DaBu
#26 Concept 1 Detail by Jim81
#7 Concept 1 by Jim81
#8 Concept 2 by Jim81
#15 Concept 2 Details by Jim81
#39 SETRA weather sensor design " CIRCLE " version 5.1 by ARROW
#38 SETRA weather sensor design " CIRCLE " version 4.1 by ARROW
#33 Concept 1 by studio701
#19 SETRA weather sensor design " CIRCLE " version 1.0 by ARROW
#25 final wether sensor wall mount with logo by mayurpatil
#37 SETRA weather sensor design " CIRCLE " version 2.1 by ARROW
#6 weather sensor mount design version 3 by mayurpatil
#3 weather sensor mount design version 2 by mayurpatil
#2 weather sensor mount design by mayurpatil
#22 weather-sensor-device-v2 by P3N
#18 Wall Mounted Sensor Device by AlexanderVelez
#14 weather-sensor-device by P3N
#11 weather sensor mount design by mayurpatil
#46 weather sensor box by DaBu
#29 SETRA weather sensor design " CIRCLE " version 4.0 by ARROW
#44 weather-sensor-device-v3 by P3N
#43 SETRA weather sensor design " LEAF " version 1.0 by ARROW
#41 Concept 4 by Jim81
#40 CONCEPT 3 by Jim81
#21 SETRA weather sensor design " CIRCLE " version 1.1 by ARROW
#27 SETRA weather sensor design " CIRCLE " version 2.0 by ARROW
#28 SETRA weather sensor design " CIRCLE " version 3.0 by ARROW
#30 SETRA weather sensor design " CLOUD " version 5.0 by ARROW


MacKenzie Brown


Mon, 26 Oct 2020 16:22:09 +0000
Hi all,

We contacted the buyer to select the winner of the contest. We hope to have the winner selected in the coming days, we appreciate your patience with this.




Mon, 26 Oct 2020 00:05:21 +0000
This contest start 9/24. It was a 9 day contest. It was then extended by the buyer 3 days because the buyer said that "several designers" asked for an extension, but only one designer submitted an entry in that 3 day extension. It ended Oct. 6th, but yet the contest says it ended Oct 16. The buyer is beyond the CadCrowd limits to select a winner, which mean CadCrowd should have selected a winner by now. What&;s going on ?


Sun, 04 Oct 2020 07:37:51 +0000
Contest extended but still no option to upload models?



Thu, 01 Oct 2020 15:22:47 +0000
There were a few designers that reached out through private message that were having trouble uploading designs at the las minute. I extended the contest just to give them a chance to submit, we we will start the process of selecting the winner asap so we do not delay the prize. Thank you all for your great designs, it is going to be hard to choose a winner. If you have any last minute please feel free to submit as well. Sorry for the extension, this will be the only one.



Thu, 01 Oct 2020 11:45:19 +0000
Uploading my files, Hope I am on time!!



Tue, 29 Sep 2020 11:34:06 +0000
@galaxyrobotics I will add a logo to the attachments.
@Anmol Raut - these sensors measure the environment i.e. temp, humidity, etc. The device collects multiple data points and brings them to a network. The goal is a building occupant can see the device, know all is good from across the room, status light symbol, bar, other...



Mon, 28 Sep 2020 22:08:22 +0000
hello, can I know objective of this device and working as it has 5 sensors .
Mon, 28 Sep 2020 13:56:13 +0000
Hello, Just one more question:
Is there any logo/branding that you want us to add to the design?



Mon, 28 Sep 2020 13:06:11 +0000
@Anmol Raut - Answers below:
1. We would like 1 status light feature that is visible to the people in the space
2. Let me see what I can find and I will post as attachment
3. The link you sent was for a new work box (new construction), unit must fit in both new work and old work (



Sun, 27 Sep 2020 15:14:40 +0000
Hello Boxborough ,I have some questions regarding the design
1.How many sensor status light are required ,one light for each sensor? ie total 5 light or a single status light is enough?
2.Can you be more specific with the I/O unit ,is there a reference image to understand it?
3.Can I use the following design for 3-Gang electric box reference



Sat, 26 Sep 2020 15:19:22 +0000
@Insan both should be on, as long as it can be imported into solid works as a 3D model.
Sat, 26 Sep 2020 14:14:45 +0000
Hi, is AutoCAD or STEP file ok?



Fri, 25 Sep 2020 14:00:25 +0000
@Harry S. - My apologies, The sizing on page 3 was correct, I updated the attament as v2, depth is 0.8"
@RohitT - The material will be plastic
@riom - Solidworks 2019 is ok
@ivani - Solidworks 2018 is ok



Fri, 25 Sep 2020 12:58:05 +0000
@galaxyRobotics Other softwares ok, if it can port to solidworks.



Fri, 25 Sep 2020 03:24:24 +0000
Looks like the I/O board size incorrect, How can it fit in 2" deep wall box?
Fri, 25 Sep 2020 02:47:14 +0000
Is the material of this box made of plastic?
Fri, 25 Sep 2020 01:50:50 +0000
Hello , is Solidworks 2019 ok ?
Thu, 24 Sep 2020 23:11:39 +0000
Is Solid Works 2018 ok?
Thu, 24 Sep 2020 15:22:14 +0000
For the software, is it okay if we use one other than SolidWorks?

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